Professor Harald Walach is a researcher at the interface between medicine, psychology and consciousness studies. Currently he is affiliated as a professor with Poznan Medical University in Poznan, Poland, where he teaches mindfulness to the international medical students, and as a visiting professor with the University Witten-Herdecke’s psychology department in Germany, where he teaches philosophical foundations of psychology to psychology undergraduates. He is founding director of the Change Health Science Institute in Berlin.


Dr. Walach holds a double Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, and History and Theory of Science.  He has authored more than 170 peer reviewed papers, 14 books and more than 100 book chapters.  After a career building up a research group in complementary medicine at the University Hospital in Freiburg he held a research professorship with the University of Northampton, UK from 2005-2009 where he directed the MSc Program of Transpersonal Psychology and Consciousness Studies. From 2010 until 2016 he worked with the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder), where he headed a postrgraduate Master program training doctors in complementary medicine and cultural sciences. His research interest is in methodology and evaluation of complementary medicine, the impact of consciousness on health, and a scientific approach to consciousness and spirituality. He is editor of the Journal “Complementary Medicine Research”, associate editor of the journals “Mindfulness”,  and editor of the Springer book series “Neuroscience, Consciousness, Spirituality”.