The Collective Dynamics of Contemplative Practice – Bache, 2011
If my students could share one message with teachers of contemplative studies, I think it would be this. If you are an educator who is doing a form of spiritual practice that has the capacity to activate deep levels of the unconscious, especially at the level of the collective psyche, you can expect to stimulate sympathetic resonances with at least some of your students.
The “Quantum Soul”: A Scientific Hypothesis – Hameroff & Chopra, 2012
Recent evidence for significant quantum coherence in warm biological systems, scale-free dynamics and end-of-life brain activity support the notion of a quantum basis for consciousness which could conceivably exist independent of biology in various scalar planes in spacetime geometry. Sir Roger Penrose does not necessarily endorse such proposals which relate to his ideas in physics. Based on Orch OR, we offer a scientific hypothesis for a 'quantum soul'.
Teaching in the New Paradigm – Bache, 2012
Everywhere we turn scientists are finding that systems we had previously thought were separate are actually interconnected. Chaos theory has demonstrated that nature is awash with patterns of fractal iteration and holo-graphic inclusion. Bell’s theorem reveals a universe that is instantaneously aware of itself across vast distances.
Systems Cell: A Testable Model for Systems Holism – AK Mukhopadhyay, 2015
The equations of physical world are bereft of causality. On the other hand, the relational matrix between two or more organelles or organisms is inclusively causal because of operational presence of consciousness and other potent factors like ‘life’, self, mind and information within the system. Standing on the computational platform of informational molecules of systems biology what is that decision-making ware which makes cell’s response solution-centric as well as holographic?
Secular Spirituality – What it is. Why we need it. How to proceed. – Walach, 2017
Thus, spirituality and science might have more in common than one would think at first glance. This would entail that we need to develop a methodology of inner experience if we want to take spirituality scientifically seriously.
Revision and Re-enchantment of Psychology – Grof, 2012
Drawing on observations from more than fifty years of research into an important subgroup of non-ordinary states of consciousness that he calls ‘‘holotropic,’’ the author suggests a revision of some basic assumptions of modern psychiatry, psychology, and psychotherapy. The proposed changes involve the nature of consciousness and its relationship to matter, dimensions of the human psyche, the roots of emotional and psychosomatic disorders, and therapeutic strategy.
The Voice of Experience – Hague, 2018
This essay is my contribution as an adviser to the Galileo Commission, which is seeking to promote a spiritually informed science, beyond a materialistic worldview. It outlines how I have applied Self-reflective Intelligence and the semantic modelling methods of information systems architects in business to solve the ultimate justification problem, called Letztbegründungsproblem in German.
The Understanding and Treatment of Mental Health – Tobert, 2018
My proposition: some people who tap into a non-local realm of consciousness spontaneously have NDE, OBE, ELE experiences (religious experiences; near-death, out-of-body, and end of life experiences) may not have a framework for understanding. People who cannot control their experiences and have distress may attract psychiatric attention.
An Extended Scientist Look at Esoteric Knowledge – Chris Thomson
Esoteric knowledge has been saying these things for a very long time.
Eben Alexander III, MD, PhD
After decades as a physician and teacher at Harvard Medical School and elsewhere, renowned academic neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander thought he knew how
Christopher Bache, Prof
Christopher M. Bache is professor emeritus in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Youngstown State University in Ohio where he
Anne Baring, PhD
Anne Baring has travelled widely in India and the Far East during the 1950's before training and practising as a Jungian analyst.
Imants Baruss, Prof
After receiving the Gold Medal in the Science, Technology, and Trades program at Northern Secondary School in Toronto, I entered the Engineering
Vasileios Basios, PhD
Dr. Vasileios Basios is a senior researcher at the Physics of Complex Systems Department of the University of Brussels, conducting interdisciplinary research on
Mario Beauregard, PhD
Mario Beauregard, PhD., is a neuroscientist currently affiliated with the Department of Psychology, University of Arizona. He has received a bachelor degree
Carl Becker, Prof
Professor Carl Becker received his MA in Comparative (East-West) Philosophy at the East-West Center of the University of Hawaii in 1973 and
Laurin Bellg, MD
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Daniel Benor, MD
Daniel J. Benor, MD, ABIHM, has been searching over four decades for ever more ways to peel the onion of life’s resistances,
Edi Bilimoria, PhD
Dr Edi D. Bilimoria DPhil, DIC, FIMechE, FEI, CEng, EurIng. An ardent student of the perennial philosophy for over forty years, Edi
Emilios Bouratinos
Emilios Bouratinos studied law in Athens and philosophy in Innsbruck, Austria. He has published numerous essays and written seven books in Greek. The
Stephen Braude, Prof
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Etzel Cardena, Prof
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Bernard Carr, Prof
Professor Bernard Carr is Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy at Queen Mary, University of London. He read mathematics as an undergraduate
John Clarke, Prof
Before coming to Buckingham, Professor John Clarke spent a number of years at Oxford. He read history at Wadham College and graduated
Apela Colorado, PhD
Dr Apela Colorado is Oneida-Gaul and a traditional cultural practitioner and indigenous scientist. She is dedicated to bridging dialogue between Western thought