To decisively reveal the nonphysical dimension of Mind that manifests our reality, Chasing Memory, probes deeply into the source of living “memory” in the broadest sense. In doing so, we find the philosophers’ “hard problem” of the nature of consciousness can be settled. Mysteries which humans have pondered since the times of Plato and Aristotle can be resolved if one asks the right questions.

Our quest starts with the complexities of human memory. How do images of the past flash into our consciousness? Are we literally looking through time? How does our perceptual memory create our understanding of the people, places, and things about us? When we turn to the instinctive memory of birds, butterflies, and bees, the nonphysical nature of memory and Mind are brought into sharp focus. Exactly how does an orb weaver know how to construct its web? When we scrutinize the scientific belief that a spider’s DNA contains its extraordinarily complex behaviors, one quickly encounters insurmountable improbabilities.

To build upon science’s material framework of the universe, we investigate modern physics’ bizarre understanding of the quantum realm and spacetime’s multidimensions. Within the theory of the Growing Block Universe, we find a compelling source for our memory’s hyperdimensional structures. As great physicists such as Erwin Schrodinger and Werner Heisenberg concluded, things are far stranger than many commonly believe.

You can read more about the author, Carl Gunther, here.