David Lorimer’s guest today is Felicity Warner, founder of the global Soul Midwives Movement, who lectures both nationally and internationally and runs The Soul Midwives’ School, based in Dorset. She has won many awards for her work with the dying and created the idea of soul midwifery after sitting with many hundreds of people at the end of life. Her pioneering work has brought a new dimension to holistic and spiritual palliative care. She was named “End of Life Care champion” by the National Council for Palliative Care and also in “End of Life Doula”in 2017. She is author of four acclaimed books – Gentle Dying and A Safe Journey Home, The Soul Midwives’ Handbook and Sacred Oils – 20 Precious Oils to heal Spirit and Soul Her website: www.soulmidwives.co.uk
Imaginal Inspirations is hosted by David Lorimer, Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network and Chair of the Galileo Commission, an academic movement dedicated to expanding the evidence base of a science of consciousness. Imaginal cells are responsible for the metamorphosis of the caterpillar into a butterfly, which is the Greek symbol for the soul. These cells are dormant in the caterpillar but at a critical point of development they create the new form and structure which becomes the butterfly.

Works and links mentioned:

Felicity Warner’s website

A Safe Journey Home : A Simple Guide to Achieving a Peaceful Death byFelicity Warner

Sacred Oils : Working with 20 Precious Oils to Heal Spirit and Soul by Felicity Warner

The Soul Midwives’ Handbook : The Holistic and Spiritual Care of the Dying by Felicity Warner

The Secret Teachings of Mary Magdalene by Claire Nahmad, Margaret Bailey

Books by Lucy Boston