David’s Guest today is Sperry Andrews.  To further the evolution of a socially altruistic heart-centered intelligence and two-way telepathic awareness, Sperry Andrews founded the Human Connection Institute in 1990, facilitating hundreds of groups internationally for over thirty years. He has taught anyone interested how to recreate these experiences effectively in-person, as well as online via webcam. He has published and given invited presentations on human interconnectedness and the Human Connection Project in many international forums.  He collaborated for five years with Dr. William Braud, Senior Research Associate of the Mind Science Foundation, to pioneer the field of Distant Mental Interactions with Living Systems (DMILS) and direct a multinational, scientifically based, social action media research project to demonstrate our indivisibility on instrument under double-blind conditions with Aikido masters, Buddhist monks, and well know celebrities stationed at multiple scientific laboratories in widely separated geographic locations.  For six years, he has been collaborating with Dr. James E. Beichler, a theoretical physicist and scientific historian. They agree: “Our single field theory goes well beyond the simple notion of mind and consciousness as mere human bound perceivers and interpreters of the external material/physical world, by placing the physical origin of consciousness within every geometrical point in the universe itself.”

Their model enables Western science to unite classical and quantum theories while validating long-standing contemplative Hindu and Buddhist insights that a non-physical Void is spiritually manifesting a “dream of form” through cause and effect.

Imaginal Inspirations is hosted by David Lorimer, Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network and Chair of the Galileo Commission, an academic movement dedicated to expanding the evidence base of a science of consciousness. Imaginal cells are responsible for the metamorphosis of the caterpillar into a butterfly, which is the Greek symbol for the soul. These cells are dormant in the caterpillar but at a critical point of development they create the new form and structure which becomes the butterfly.

Works and links mentioned


The Human Connection Institute https://www.connectioninstitute.org/

Art by Sperry Andrews https://sperry-andrews.pixels.com/


J. Krishnamurti/David Bohm dialogues https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1n30s-LKus4oQ5fCd6MJ17waAMCsgumf
