Max Velmans, Emeritus Professor of Psychology at Goldsmiths, University of London meets Catherine Noyce. In their dialogue they broach topics such as emptiness and fullness; trying to belong to a ground of being; the feeling of being disconnected and alienated; making eye contact; loneliness; ego; on being seen; what is being me?; psychological health; childhood,; boundarylessness; we are electric; from a physics perspectives; the fundamental stuff of things; how can we be separate?; iceberg metaphor; experience is rubbish; how reality is fashioned from the senses; the scientific enterprise doesn’t explain how we experience it all; mind blowing emptiness of this moment; entanglement; talking a different language; the Jimmy Hendrix of psychology; reductionism can’t explain subjective experience; consciousness and energy in the ground of being; consciousness as separation; the amazing brain; isness; why is this something rather than nothing? and more…