How to make better life-enhancing choices when environments crumble and population shifts disrupt our ways of living? Dr Griffiths takes a deep look at how our brains trick us into seeing the surface of things so that we lose sight of the deep relatedness on which our survival as groups will increasingly depend. Many astonishing insights follow. Body-mind dualism dissolves, as the ecological person moves with others in a renewed group-approach to thriving. Dilemmas in the standard quantum view of matter and spirituality resolve so that groups of people are empowered by the same fusion energy burning in stars to renew their power of creative choice. Human inner heart is restored over mind, to its central place, as personal values reshape the future.

Dr Griffiths is also hosting a Quantum Gravity and Consciousness Studies Learning Community series on March 20th, April 17th, and May 15th, 2024, where the topics of the books will be discussed. Event details and sign-up can be found here.