There’s a whirlwind of action happening on the frontiers of scientific research into phenomena of the human experience — but you’d never know it. Unless you are following the scientists or the organisations sharing their research, it’s pretty tough to learn about the body of evidence exploring the “what” and “how” of consciousness, telepathy, premonitions, dreaming, and life after death, to name a few.

Is that because mainstream science denies the occurrence of such things or believes the research isn’t legitimate? Or because the biggest scientific journals hesitate to publish such content? Or because mainstream media censors it, or thinks you’re not interested?

Take your pick.

Ask the scientific community conducting this research and they’ll tell you that the credibility bar is higher on these topics for both methodologies and outcomes than conventional topics — and so is the resistance to them by mainstream scientific community. It’s also harder to get research funded, published in journals and promoted at conferences.

Scientists at the forefront of exploring the everyday mysteries of human existence belong to such professional associations as Academy for the Advancement of Post-Material Science, Scientific & Medical Network, Institute of Noetic Sciences, Society for Psychical Research, Society for Scientific Exploration, and Parapsychological Association, among others. Their members are highly credentialed academics and researchers — from such institutions as University of Virginia, University of Arizona, Stanford University, University of Northampton, and Esalen Institute — who have thick skin. They are the underdogs of science who have made a case to mainstream science to be more open-minded; to not dismiss anything as “woo-woo” in the pursuit of scientific exploration because we don’t know what we don’t know.

So why the resistance?
