Psychical research aspires to be a science and yet appears to be incompatible with the reductionist, materialistic science which currently prevails. Indeed, despite the strength of evidence for psi, its reality is sometimes rejected on these very grounds. However, the old-fashioned materialistic paradigm was overthrown a century ago with the advent of relativity and quantum theory and more recent developments across a variety of academic disciplines point to a new “post-materialist” paradigm which could accommodate a host of phenomena – including consciousness – previously considered beyond the domain of science. This is the theme of the recent ground-breaking Galileo Commission Report, written by Harald Walach and initiated by the Scientific and Medical Network. This (virtual) Study Day will bring together four people (including Harald himself) who have played a crucial role in advocating and promoting this new paradigm. The day will end with a general discussion and audience participation.

When: 12th December, 2020 9:45 AM through  5:15 PM