

Recognising the Matrix of Consciousness – Stephan Schwartz

From the perspective that all consciousness is interconnected, and interdependent, wellbeing is the most desirable social outcome. Simply put, the function of the state should be to foster wellbeing from the individual, to the family, the community, and the earth itself, and all the creatures on it, because as I said, it is more productive, more efficient, easier to implement, nicer to live under, and much cheaper.

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Countering degradation rituals in science – S. Thérèse & B. Martin

When the work and reputation of scientists suffer ritual degradation, a range of tactics can be deployed to resist and rework the psychological and social impacts. Five key resistance tactics to degradation in science are revealing degradation rituals, redeeming the reputation of the targeted scientist, reframing the degradation as unfair, redirecting attention to other domains, and refusing to cooperate with the rituals.

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Sue Speaks Podcast – Richard Grossinger

Richard’s one-line message to the world: “I’m not much for one-liners of any sort, especially in a sound-bite culture, but I was thinking today that when Rodney King said, ‘Why can’t we all just get along?’ it sounded naïve, sweet, and a tad disingenuous, but now, so soon after, it sounds like a voice from another universe, and that’s not good given the challenge the universe is putting before our planet and species.”

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Dean Radin on Frequency One – Psychic Phenomena

Is there scientific evidence for psychic phenomena (PSI)? Scientist, author and Galileo Commission adviser, Dr. Dean Radin, discusses the history, perception and evidence of psychic phenomena as part of our human experience on Frequency One.

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Preparing for advocacy, resisting attack – Brian Martin

When scientists engage in public advocacy, or indeed in any public comment on controversial issues, there is a risk they will come under attack...When coming under attack, it is important to document actions, seek advice and behave sensibly. The most powerful counter to attacks is mobilisation of support. It is important to support scientists who come under attack, as this protects scientific freedom for all.

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Humanity’s Team podcast with Dean Radin

Tune in to Humanity’s Team podcast episode 14: The UPside of the Downslide…, to hear Galileo Commission adivser Dean Radin, among others, speak about the many positive changes going on in evolution NOW and how the breaking down of the current structure actually makes it possible for us to build the sustainable future we envision.

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Persistent bias on Wikipedia – Brian Martin

Systematically biased editing, persistently maintained, can occur on Wikipedia while nominally following guidelines. It is worthwhile becoming aware of persistent bias and developing ways to counter it in order for Wikipedia to move closer to its goal of providing accurate and balanced information.

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Event: The Dalai Lama & Science – A Birthday Celebration

To celebrate the Dalai Lama's lifelong love of science, you will be able to learn about the scientist who inspired him deeply: David Bohm, a maverick physicist who turned to Eastern Wisdom to introduce Consciousness into Quantum Theory. There will also be a panel discussion and a Q&A.

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Film – Infinite Potential: The Life and Ideas of David Bohm

"Infinite Potential: The Life and Ideas of David Bohm" is about the man Einstein called his “spiritual son” and the Dalai Lama his “science guru.” A brilliant physicist and explorer of Consciousness, Bohm’s incredible insights into the underlying nature of reality and the profound interconnectedness of the Universe and our place within it are truly transformational.

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Dream Telepathy with Stanley Krippner

In this talk, Stanley describes a series of experiments that ran for ten years during his tenure as director of the Maimonides Medical Center Dream Research Laboratory in Brooklyn, New York. These studies were eventually published in a variety of mainstream psychology journals.

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The Extended Mind: Recent Experiments – Rupert Sheldrake

In this presentation from the 2014 Synchronicity Symposium, Galileo Commission adviser Ruper Sheldrake shares his work on designing experiments to test if people can tell if they are being stared at as well as his work on telepathy in animals. Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D. is a biologist and author of more than 80 scientific papers and 11 books, including Science Set Free.

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Can we Crack the Mind-Body Problem? Part I – Emmanuel Ransford

This paper is in three parts. In this Part One, the randomness displayed by quantum objects is explored. The notion of quantumhood is then introduced. It refers to a kind of “wave wholeness” of elementary particles that, most significantly, turns out to be necessary to sustain nature’s consistency. When this quantumhood is in danger of being lost, a wave collapse, or quantum jump, is in order.

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Diane Corcoran & Robert Caplan – Veteran NDEs

Diane Corcoran talks about her experience with NDEs as a US Army nurse in Vietnam and serving in the military over a 24-year career, including as Chief Nurse and Commander of a Combat Support Hospital. Robert Caplan is a Navy veteran near-death experiencer: This presentation will address my knowing of my/our true identity.

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Is There Life After Death? – Panel discussion

In this panel, the legendary actor, writer and comedian John Cleese, convenes the University of Virginia's Division of Perceptual Studies (DOPS) research faculty to present an overview of the research to which they have dedicated their academic careers. Members of DOPS include GC advisers Bruce Greyson, Kim Penberthy, Edward Kelly, Emily Kelly, as well as Jim Tucker and Chester Carlson.

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Quantum gravity and taoist cosmology – Steven Rosen

Here, a detailed analysis of cosmogony is offered, first in terms of the theory of dimensional development and its Taoist (yin-yang) counterpart, then in terms of the evolution of the elemental force particles through cycles of expansion and contraction in a spiraling universe.

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