

What Really Happens When You Die – Interview with Peter Fenwick

In this interview Peter Fenwick talks about near-death-experiences (NDE), death-bed-visitors and how we can achieve a good death. He offers fascinating insights into common phenomena at the end of life, such as premonitions, seeing a light, death-bed-visions and coincidences. In his opinion everybody should know about death and the dying process, because it is a normal part of living.

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A New Story of the Universe with Tim Freke

Philosopher Tim Freke invites you around the fire to hear the story of where we have come from, where we are going and why our lives are profoundly meaningful. He shares a new cosmology that unites science and spirituality to inspire and inform us.

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Twin 5×5 Matrices of Consciousness in the Light of Co∼Eventum Mechanics

The generation and resolution of that counterintuitivity is imputed to the non-verbal experience of the classical gamut of state experiences, for which I deduce five lines of indirect evidence, including, perhaps most conclusively, the occurrence of samadhi itself at key junctures of level and state, which provide the stability and ongoing expansion of content of the matrices.

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Vertical Hierarchy, The Invariance Principle and Consciousness

My intention is to make it easier for the health care community and others to recognize a possible relationship between their own preferred models and those in disciplines that may not currently appear cognate, as well as to enrich and further define themselves with what is offered in those disciplines.

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Sue Speaks Podcast – Brian Swimme, Evolutionary Cosmologist

Brian’s one-line message to the world: “If I’m talking to the world of listeners, isn’t it wonderful to be in the sphere of influence of Suzanne, who, if we imitated, we would transform the planet into a wonderful place? It’s wonderful to think that if everyone were like you, Suzanne, we would be in paradise. We’re close to that big turnaround moment.”

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30 Reasons Why the Afterlife Evidence is Ignored or Rejected – Michael Tymn

The evidence developed in recent years, primarily in the areas of near-death experiences, clairvoyance, past-life studies, instrumental transcommunication, electronic voice phenomena, and deathbed phenomena, has added significantly to the “old” evidence, which was primarily in the area of trance mediumship. The old research produced a solid wheel and the newer research has tightened the spokes, but the prevailing materialistic mindset in the modern world resists both the old and the new.

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The Skeptics Have No Clothes – David Lorimer

In this interview with SAND co-founder Zaya Benazzo at SAND19 Italy, David Lorimer talks about the limitations of applying a mechanistic model to a living organism like the human being. He asks whether the brain produces or transduces consciousness. He covers the psycho-political phenomenon of scientific dogma, the experimenter effect, the work of Rupert Sheldrake, the implications of the theory of evolution, the place of A.I., the complexity of human emotions, the power of Love, and more.

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Physicians discuss the impact of NDEs on medical practice

Near-death experiences expert Diane Corcoran, RN, PhD, moderates the discussion between the physician panellists Mary Neal, Rebecca Valla, James Kwako and Rajiv Parti, who share how near-death experiences have impacted their practices.

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Kurt Godel Prize 2019 – A Severe Blow to Reductionism

In 2019, for the first time the Kurt Gödel Circle of Friends Berlin, in partnership with the University of Wuppertal, has announced the Kurt Godel prize which aims "to promote anti-reductionist knowledge in the natural sciences and humanities".

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Water, Healthcare, and Destiny – Stephen Schwartz

The Schwartzreport tracks emerging trends that will affect the world, particularly the United States. For EXPLORE it focuses on matters of health in the broadest sense of that term, including medical issues, changes in the biosphere, technology, and policy considerations, all of which will shape our culture and our lives.

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The search for extraterrestrial life – Gerard Aartsen

But when we broaden our inquiry into the nature of extraterrestrial life by including additional methods of questioning, as we take into account science’s self-declared limitations, avantgarde scientific experiments that look beyond those limitations, the latest scientific insights, previously esoteric notions about the nature of matter, and eyewitness accounts from people the world over, a plausible window opens onto a world as yet unseen, but one that can well be explained and argued, even within the limits of our current understanding.

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Life is One – The Teachings of George Adamski

A website, published by Gerard Aartsen, a Galileo Commission affiliate, highlights the teachings of George Adamski and beautifully summarises leading evidence that we are all interconnected and that life is one. Indeed, the Adamski case points in the same direction as do the conclusions of the Galileo Commission Report.

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The Flip

This bold and eloquent book delivers a necessary ‘ontological shock’ and maps a potentially expanded future of knowledge where the ‘inside’ of matter is mind - surely a crucial step to take and one that completely reframes our understanding of consciousness and reality.

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Out of Body Experience Q&A Panel

This Q&A panel was part of the premiere event of 'Insight Out' a documentary made by Jade Shaw about the transformative effects of Out of Body Experiences. The panel is themed around non-local consciousness and was curated by Jade Shaw.

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Eben Alexander – Thriving in the Heart of Consciousness

In 2008, Dr. Eben Alexander’s brain was severely damaged by a devastating case of bacterial meningitis, and he lapsed into a week-long coma. What he learned completely violated everything he ever knew about brain, mind and consciousness, and drove him to question some of the most fundamental assumptions of conventional science, leading to a complete flip from his former worldview.

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Is There Life after Death? Fifty Years of Research at UVA

In this Medical Center Hour, faculty from the Division of Perceptual Studies highlight the unit's work since its founding, including studies of purported past lives, near-death experiences, and mind-brain interactions in phenomena such as deep meditation, veridical out-of-body experiences, deathbed visions, apparent communication from deceased persons, altered states of consciousness, and terminal lucidity in persons with irreversible brain damage. As the Division enters its second half-century, what are its research priorities and partnerships?

Categories: Bruce Greyson, Edward Kelly, Jennifer Penberthy, News|Comments Off on Is There Life after Death? Fifty Years of Research at UVA
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