After Death Communications: Who have them and what impact do they have? – Jennifer Kim Penberthy
This excerpt from the IANDS 2021 Virtual Conference shows Dr. Jennifer Kim Pemberthy's presentation on an international survey on who is most likely to experience ADCs and what impact they have on their lives.
The Metaverse is a Scam: We’re Being Herded into the Matrix – Mark Jeftovic
Belief that mind emerges from matter is this era’s geocentrism. As was the case with the now antiquated idea that the Earth was the center of the universe. The heliocentric cosmos was probably understood by certain civilizations thousands of years before Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake for saying as much in the 17th century. So too, did the ancients understand that “All is mental”. The universe is vibration, probability, information, energy and conciousness first.
Imaginal Inspirations with Satish Kumar
David Lorimer's guest today is his dear friend Satish Kumar, who was the Editor-in-Chief of Resurgence (now with the Ecologist) Magazine for 43 years and was the Founder of Schumacher College in Dartington.
Life-Form A Matters-Syncytium: DeepScience for Matter Correlates of Conscious States – Mukho, A.K.
The perspective developed in this paper calls for a DeepScience to show how the essence of the material science is interconnected with the essence of the Multiversity along the sub-quantum and sub-subquantum recess of nature involving presently non-observable several exotic states of matter, dark matter, neutrinos, operations of informationstates, operations of cognitive faculty such as mind, self, life-principle and consciousness. Investigation of this interdisciplinary terrain has translational value for next three century’s science.
Consciousness – Janik Pilet
Consciousness is often considered as the prerogative of human beings, and as more or less synonymous with reflective and emotional intelligence, associated with a perception of oneself and the reality of the external world. But given the emergence of consciousness from life, is it not more reasonable to admit that it can take on a more nuanced meaning than a simple "all or nothing" alternative: conscious or non-conscious. It is therefore important to define very precisely the meaning in which this word will be used here to differentiate it from the notions of intelligence, thought, perception, morality, or feeling.
The Science of Consciousness – Conferences – Center for Consciousness Studies
The Center for Consciousness Studies has now uploaded all sessions from their recent conferences, which you can now view...
Emergence of Homo spiritualis: Of Essential Requirements – Faith, Devotion and Love – Mukho, A.K.
On the landscape of human possibilities, consciousness-rooted futurologists predicts emergence of Homo spiritualis from the present Homo sapiens. On this passage, to tide over different grades of uncertainties cultivation of Faith, Devotion and Love is felt essential. The deep science in psychology, biology and neurology has been discussed while cultivating such qualities in life. The beneficial spin offs from such perspective are new ideas and several research questions addressing of which might help to extend the vertical depth and horizon of science.
Efimov K-theory of Diamonds – Shanna Dobson
Motivated by Scholze and Fargues' geometrization of the local Langlands correspondence using perfectoid diamonds and Clausen and Scholze's work on the K-theory of adic spaces using condensed mathematics, we introduce the Efimov K-theory of diamonds. We propose a pro-diamond, a large stable (infinity,1)-category of diamonds D^{diamond}, diamond spectra and chromatic tower, and a localization sequence for diamond spectra.
The Hard Science of Reincarnation – Article in VICE
All over the world, scholars studying reincarnation are making findings even skeptics have difficulty explaining.
Visualizing Information as a Dynamic Entity Roadmap of Deep Science, AI and Humanity – Mukho, A.K.
Visualization of information as an autonomous intentional potent causal entity, which has a dynamically changing geometry across the depth of nature remains a valuable leading guide for extending the vertical depth of science. Following this thread of information in its various forms, it is possible to travel imaginatively across the ladder of cognition from physical signal to the world of sublime wisdom and back from the wisdom to signal world.
Rupert Sheldrake: The Big Questions in Science – 12-Part Course
Contemporary materialist science is undergoing a credibility crunch. Join this unique online course and free the spirit of inquiry with Rupert Sheldrake, from 4 to 24 November 2021.
WHAT IS LIFE? #39 Tim Freke and Peter Russell
Peter and Tim discuss misunderstandings of the word ‘consciousness’ and how to really ‘let go’.
Vienna Manifesto on Digital Humanism
We are at a crossroads to the future; we must go into action and take the right direction!
Interviews with Innocence featuring Mark Gober
In today’s episode, Mark Gober and I discuss his views on science, its relation to human consciousness, and how we perceive reality.
Spontaneous Spiritual Awakenings: Phenomenology, Altered States, Individual Differences, and Well-Being – Jessica Corneille
Spontaneous Spiritual Awakenings (SSAs) are subjective experiences characterised by a sudden sense of direct contact, union, or complete nondual merging (experience of oneness) with a perceived ultimate reality, the universe, “God,” or the divine. These profound transformative experiences have scarcely been researched, despite extensive anecdotal evidence suggesting their potential to catalyse drastic, long-term, and often positive shifts in perception, world-view, and well-being. The aims of this study were to investigate the phenomenological variances of these experiences, including the potential differences between SSAs and Spontaneous Kundalini Awakenings (SKAs), a subset of awakening experiences that the authors postulate may produce a higher likelihood of both physical and negative effects; to explore how these experiences compare to other altered states of consciousness (ASCs), including those mediated by certain psychedelic substances; and understand their impact on well-being.
Imaginal Inspirations with Felicity Warner
David Lorimer's guest today is Felicity Warner, founder of the global Soul Midwives Movement, who lectures both nationally and internationally and runs The Soul Midwives’ School, based in Dorset. She has won many awards for her work with the dying and created the idea of soul midwifery after sitting with many hundreds of people at the end of life. Her pioneering work has brought a new dimension to holistic and spiritual palliative care. She was named “End of Life Care champion” by the National Council for Palliative Care and also in “End of Life Doula”in 2017. She is author of four acclaimed books – Gentle Dying and A Safe Journey Home, The Soul Midwives’ Handbook and Sacred Oils - 20 Precious Oils to heal Spirit and Soul Her website:
Society for Psychical Research 2021 Annual International Conference
The Annual International Conference of the Society for Psychical Research will be held this year in digital form using Zoom technology during the weekend 18-19 September, 2021. With invited speakers Prof. Bernard Carr, Dr Jim Tucker, Prof. Stanley Krippner, Prof. Christine Simmonds-Moore, Prof. Bruce Greyson and Dr Marjorie Woollacott.
Can an Extended Science Bridge the Worlds of Matter, Mind, and Spirit? – Bernard Carr
Indeed, most physicists adopt a materialist and reductionist view in which consciousness is just an incidental by-product of the brain. However, many arguments from physics itself suggest that consciousness is a fundamental rather than incidental feature of the Universe, so it is natural to extend physics to accommodate it. This is especially true if one believes in certain anomalous interactions between consciousness and the physical world. However, this will require a radically different physical paradigm from the one that currently prevails.
Nonlocality and Exceptional Experiences: A Study of Genius, Religious Epiphany, and the Psychic – Stephan Schwartz
The paper surveys some of the most important relevant research from quantum biology, physics, psychology, medicine, anthropology, and parapsychology. It proposes that more attention should be paid to the autobiographies, correspondence, and journals of men and women to whom history unequivocally accords the designation of genius, saint, or psychic, offering examples from these sources. And it presents comparisons between ethnohistorical material and spiritual traditions, suggesting they arrive at a similar worldview. Finally, it proposes that meditation research, some examples of which are cited, be seen in the context of psychophysical self-regulation, and that it offers one powerful avenue for producing these exceptional experiences.
Imaginal Inspirations with Steve Taylor
David Lorimer's guest today is Steve Taylor PhD, the author of several best-selling books on psychology and spirituality, and a senior lecturer in psychology at Leeds Beckett University. He is the current chair of the Transpersonal Psychology Section of the British Psychological Society. His books include Waking From Sleep, The Fall, The Leap, Spiritual Science, The Clear Light (poetry) and his new book Extraordinary Awakenings: When Trauma Leads to Transformation. His books have been published in 20 languages and Eckhart Tolle has described his work as ‘an important contribution to the shift in consciousness which is happening on our planet at present.’
Toward Reconciliation of Science and Spirituality: A Brief History of the “Sursem” Project – Edward F. Kelly
The rise of modern science, accompanied by its many technological triumphs, has led to widespread acceptance among intellectual elites of a worldview that conflicts sharply both with everyday human experience and with beliefs widely shared among the world’s institutional religions.
Is the Sun Conscious? – Rupert Sheldrake
The recent panpsychist turn in philosophy opens the possibility that self-organizing systems at all levels of complexity, including stars and galaxies, might have experience, awareness, or consciousness. The organismic or holistic philosophy of nature points in the same direction. Meanwhile, field theories of consciousness propose that some electromagnetic fields actually are conscious, and that these fields are by their very nature integrative. When applied to the sun, such field theories suggest a possible physical basis for the solar mind, both within the body of the sun itself and also throughout the solar system. If the sun is conscious, it may be concerned with the regulation of its own body and the entire solar system through its electromagnetic activity, including solar flares and coronal mass ejections. It may also communicate with other star systems within the galaxy.
Policing orthodoxy on Wikipedia: Skeptics in action? – Brian Martin
Wikipedia has been accused of being biased against challengers to scientific orthodoxy due to efforts by editors having affinities with the Skeptics movement. Examination of Wikipedia, including entries on fluoridation, the origin of AIDS and vaccination, reveals several characteristics typical of a Skeptics sensibility, including the definition of scepticism, lists of deviant ideas, derogatory labelling of heterodox viewpoints, and categories established without reference to reliable sources.
Imaginal Inspirations with Yvonne Kason
David Lorimer's guest today is Dr. Yvonne Kason MD, MEd, CCFP, FCFP, who is the President and Co-Founder of Spiritual Awakenings International, and is the Co-Leader and Co-Founder of Toronto Awakenings Sharing Group. She has had five Near-Death Experiences (NDEs), two in her childhood and three in her adult life, as well as multiple Spiritually Transformative Experiences (STEs). She is the Past-President of IANDS, the International Association for Near-Death Studies. Yvonne is a retired family physician and transpersonal MD-psychotherapist, previously on faculty at the University of Toronto, and an internationally renowned medical expert on NDEs and other STEs.
Interviews with Innocence featuring Raymond Moody
Meet the man who blazed the trail and those who have followed in his footsteps. When Raymond Moody MD, Ph.D. began his research into near-death experiences in 1968, he was a skeptic and an atheist. Now he is neither. This psychologist, physician and author is most widely known for his books about life after death and near-death experiences (NDE), a term that he coined in 1975 in his best-selling book Life After Life.