WHAT IS LIFE? #15 Tim Freke and Eben Alexander
An inspirational conversation about the nature of death with Galileo Commission adviser Eben Alexander, MD.
Kurt Godel Prize 2019 – A Severe Blow to Reductionism
In 2019, for the first time the Kurt Gödel Circle of Friends Berlin, in partnership with the University of Wuppertal, has announced the Kurt Godel prize which aims "to promote anti-reductionist knowledge in the natural sciences and humanities".
January 2020 Newsletter
January Newsletter
Bridging Science and Spirit – Nisha Manek
Fascinated by the mysterious power of human intention to make things happen? Discover its real-world applications by exploring the breakthrough research of psychoenergetic science.
Water, Healthcare, and Destiny – Stephen Schwartz
The Schwartzreport tracks emerging trends that will affect the world, particularly the United States. For EXPLORE it focuses on matters of health in the broadest sense of that term, including medical issues, changes in the biosphere, technology, and policy considerations, all of which will shape our culture and our lives.
The search for extraterrestrial life – Gerard Aartsen
But when we broaden our inquiry into the nature of extraterrestrial life by including additional methods of questioning, as we take into account science’s self-declared limitations, avantgarde scientific experiments that look beyond those limitations, the latest scientific insights, previously esoteric notions about the nature of matter, and eyewitness accounts from people the world over, a plausible window opens onto a world as yet unseen, but one that can well be explained and argued, even within the limits of our current understanding.
Life is One – The Teachings of George Adamski
A website, published by Gerard Aartsen, a Galileo Commission affiliate, highlights the teachings of George Adamski and beautifully summarises leading evidence that we are all interconnected and that life is one. Indeed, the Adamski case points in the same direction as do the conclusions of the Galileo Commission Report.
Mind Beyond Brain
This fine book should be widely read and debated as we try to formulate a radical new perspective where mind is a central part of nature rather than an epiphenomenon of neural processes. This will lead to a new and constructive relationship between science and spirituality.
The Flip
This bold and eloquent book delivers a necessary ‘ontological shock’ and maps a potentially expanded future of knowledge where the ‘inside’ of matter is mind - surely a crucial step to take and one that completely reframes our understanding of consciousness and reality.
Out of Body Experience Q&A Panel
This Q&A panel was part of the premiere event of 'Insight Out' a documentary made by Jade Shaw about the transformative effects of Out of Body Experiences. The panel is themed around non-local consciousness and was curated by Jade Shaw.
Eben Alexander – Thriving in the Heart of Consciousness
In 2008, Dr. Eben Alexander’s brain was severely damaged by a devastating case of bacterial meningitis, and he lapsed into a week-long coma. What he learned completely violated everything he ever knew about brain, mind and consciousness, and drove him to question some of the most fundamental assumptions of conventional science, leading to a complete flip from his former worldview.
Is There Life after Death? Fifty Years of Research at UVA
In this Medical Center Hour, faculty from the Division of Perceptual Studies highlight the unit's work since its founding, including studies of purported past lives, near-death experiences, and mind-brain interactions in phenomena such as deep meditation, veridical out-of-body experiences, deathbed visions, apparent communication from deceased persons, altered states of consciousness, and terminal lucidity in persons with irreversible brain damage. As the Division enters its second half-century, what are its research priorities and partnerships?
Interviews with researchers in the field of mindfulness
The Existencial Consciousness Research Insitute has published some fascinating interviews with researchers in the field of mindfulness: Tania Singer, Michael von Bruck, Joachim Galuska & Hendrik Jungaberle.
A Conversation on Physics, Tao-Te-Ching, and Awakening – Shantena Sabbadini
Watch the conversation on physics, tao-te-ching and awakening by Galileo Commission adviser Shantena Sabbadini.
Anesthesiologist talks about NDE – Dr Charbonier
Jean-Jacques Charbonier , born 16 May 1956 in Saint-Gaudens , is a physician anesthesiologist intensivist known for his stories on the professional life after death . He is the author of several books on the subject, regularly hosts conferences and participated in various radio and television. He is an honorary member of the Centre for the Study of near-death experiences (CEEMI) and works with the association.
Two Veridical Near-Death Experiences – S. Arnold & T. Barker
This panel will begin with a brief summary of the 2016 book The Self Does Not Die, which contains over 100 cases of NDEs with veridical perception verified by credible third parties, mostly physicians. Then two NDErs whose cases did not appear in the book will describe their NDEs and aftereffects with particular emphasis on veridical aspects of their experiences.
Woo-Woo Taboos in Science – Dean Radin
In this segment Dean ponders the fact that there is currently no technology that can detect the presence or absence of any kind of consciousness, however the first person accounts observed and written about over 1000 years ago describe some states of consciousness that are now being proven in psi labs.
WHAT IS LIFE? #10 The Unividualist and the Integralist – Tim Freke
I loved meeting Jeff. What an inspiring man! In the second half of our conversation, he gives an utterly beautiful articulation of the Integral vision. - Tim Freke
I See Dead People: Dreams and Visions of the Dying – Chris Kerr
Although medically ignored, these near-universal experiences often provide comfort and meaning as well as insight into the life led and the death anticipated.
Consciousness and Cosmos: Building an Ontological Frameworк
Three necessary conditions for the existence of consciousness are identified: a) a ground of reality, envisaged as a universal field of potentiality encompassing all possible manifestations, whether material or ‘mental’; b) a transitional zone, leading to; c) a manifest world with its fundamental divisions into material, ‘informational’, and quale-endowed aspects. We explore ideas about the nature of these necessary conditions, how they may relate to one another and whether our suggestions have empirical implications.
WHAT IS LIFE? – Tim Freke and Steve Taylor
In this episode of Tim Freke’s podcast “What is life?” Tim sits down with Steve Taylor, an adviser to the Galileo Commission, to contemplate the mystery of life. They touch on a variety of topics on their intellectual journey: how compassion and creativity manifest themselves in daily lives, the nature and dynamism of time, the problem of free will, how consciousness emerges and how it relates to evolutions, what kids can teach you about being present, death and much more… Their discussion is a step in the right direction to, as Tim puts it, ‘bring in a new narrative’ in our cultural and intellectual lives that can build on top of the materialistic worldview and overcome the potentially nihilistic implications of materialism.
SoS Theory as a Basis for an Account of Consciousness – Chris Nunn
Quantizing ‘tensed’ time leads to a proposal for a panprotopsychist theory (SoS theory) which avoids the ‘binding’ and ‘combination’ problems to which most theories of this type succumb when envisaged as providers of a basis for our form of conscious experience. For this reason, SoS theory is regarded as relatively plausible, while it has empirically testable implications for both a potential means of inducing general anaesthesia and for the probable manifestation of brief violations of objective energy conservation.
October 2019 Newsletter
October Newsletter
Mind, consciousness and time: an integrated overview – Chris Nunn
I suggest here that ‘mind’ can usefully be viewed as a process of integrating environmental dynamics with brain dynamics. It is probably expressed in brains in fractal patterns of ionic fluxes, especially calcium ion fluxes. Consciousness may be founded in a neutral monism at the basis of reality. As manifest in us however, it could prove to be a translation, mediated by implications of Heisenberg time/energy uncertainty, of spatio-temporal aspects of ‘mind’ into a tempero-spatial format. Differences between qualia might conceivably have a basis in knot theory. Potentially useful research directions are then briefly described.
Event – The Beshara Lecture 2019: Ecosystems as Love Processes
Two doctrines rule our times: Neo-Darwinism and Neoliberalism, which are deeply connected and together form one overwhelming ideology of inevitable competition and deadly strife. Biological life, however, is never about one winning, but rather an endless celebration of reciprocity.