
During my studies as economist, I published various contributions on research and development planning. Assistant at Institute of Finance at the Technical University of Berlin and at the University in Mainz, Doctorate at the University of Mainz on “Technical Progress as an Object of Financial and Economic Policy”; the dissertation has been published. 25 years CFO of major global mechanical engineering companies.
At the turn of the millennium orientation towards quantum physics and towards ethics based on the mind oriented quantum physics, published books and give many lectures and conferences on this subject. As governor of a Rotary district with over 4000 members I organized a two days conference on such ethics for all German-speaking Rotarians and at a world conference of Rotary, I managed a bilingual (German/English) breakout session on ethics with simultaneous translation into Mandarin.
About the working group
Our task is to inform people about the new insights how quantum physics may be enriching our life with balancing mind against materialism. We want to help bringing about new life plans to reduce excessive striving for material goods and to overcome the mental poverty of people in highly developed countries (Potsdam Manifesto 2005).
For this purpose we have to pave ways in education and help organizing initiatives for interdisciplinary curricula. We are already starting with age-appropriate formulation of school-accompanying books for children (12 to 14 years) with a teacher’s guide and want to continue this for other ages and other life-spheres mainly via social media. In this way instead of conventional media we reach readers directly with the effect to change predetermined trends of journalists.
The actual ‘war’ in economics worldwide may facilitate our task to balance mind against materialism.