
Born in India and educated at the universities of London, Sussex, and Oxford, Edi Bilimoria presents an unusual blend of experience in the fields of science, arts, and philosophy.
A student of the perennial philosophy for over half a century, Edi has given courses and lectured extensively in the UK, California, the Netherlands, India, and Australia. He worked as Education Manager for the Theosophical Society in Australia developing courses, researching, lecturing and organizing international conferences; and supervising the Research Library, National Media Library, and National Members Lending Library.
An award-winning Consultant Engineer by profession Edi is currently engaged on Royal Navy projects. He has published extensively in the fields of science, engineering, and the esoteric philosophy. His trilogy Unfolding Consciousness will be published in 2022. His book The Snake and the Rope was awarded a prize in 2007 by the Scientific and Medical Network on which he now serves as a Board Director.
An enthusiastic glider pilot for many years, Edi is a choral singer and a dedicated pianist of concert standard.
About the working group
Asking the Question
As one world, our pressing need is for a renaissance and restitution of what it means to be really human. Is this because of the spiritual vacuum created by the global monopoly of scientific materialism on knowledge associated with the domination of secular values? Are sophisticated financial and commercial schemes, trading deals, and innovative technology the most effective ways of tackling the economic, health, and psychological challenges confronting humanity, notwithstanding the problem of peaceful international co-existence compounded by the looming environmental crisis threatening our planet?
Suggesting the Answer
Humanity has undoubtedly derived considerable material benefit from an age dominated by scientific technology, but it has largely ignored the Key, the esoteric and occult sciences, which reveals the spiritual origins and the true nature of the universe and of humanity. That Key discloses the means to restore humanity to human beings, and reveals, unequivocally, the unfolding and expression of the universal, world-pervading Element through all the Kingdoms of Nature—CONSCIOUSNESS.