Imaginal Inspirations with Laleh Quinn
David's guest this month is Dr. Laleh Quinn, who has been a research faculty member in the Cognitive Science department at the
KNOW THYSELF Podcast Series Episode 3 – Ravi Ravindra
In this episode we welcome Dr Ravi Ravindra who shares fascinating insights from his long experience in the fields of Physics, Self-inquiry
Jessica Bockler: Nurturing the Fields of Change
Event recording Slides can be found here. Event description What is the role of inner development in social
Chasing Memory: Exploring the Dimension of Conscious Mind – Carl Gunther
To decisively reveal the nonphysical dimension of Mind that manifests our reality, Chasing Memory, probes deeply into the source of living “memory” in the broadest sense. In doing so, we find the philosophers’ “hard problem” of the nature of consciousness can be settled...
Imaginal Inspirations with Paul Gilbert
David's guest this month is Paul Gilbert, FBPsS, PhD, OBE, Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Derby and honorary visiting Prof at the University of Queensland. Until his retirement from the NHS in 2016 he was Clinical Psychologist for over 40 years and a consultant for 30. He has researched evolutionary approaches to psychopathology with a special focus on mood, shame and self-criticism in various mental health difficulties.
The Quantum World and the Dancing Specks of Sentience – Emmanuel Ransford
ABSTRACT This paper focuses on practical issues regarding the quantum world, in a bid to unpack the inner logic of Nature. It
KNOW THYSELF Podcast Series Episode 2 – Marjorie Woollacott
Prof. Marjorie Woollacott, Ph.D., was professor and chair of the Dept. of Human Physiology and is a member of the Institute of
Imaginal Inspirations with Jan Pilotti
David's guest this month is Jan Pilotti MD, who studied mathematics and theoretical physics and earned a B.Sc. at Stockholm’s University Sweden. As a young student he discovered a possibility of mathematically extending Einstein’s theory of relativity to include superluminal Lorentz transformations in a six-dimensional Minkowskian spacetime, with three space and three “timelike” dimensions...
Jeffrey Dunne: Cozying Up to the Unexpected, or Normalizing the Paranormal
Event recording Event description What consciousness-focused researchers know well, and the typical person often does not, is that essentially
David Cigoj: New World Philosophy for You – Evolve to Thrive
Event recording Slides can be found here. Relevant website: Event description Throughout history, people's lives have been
Carl Gunther: Memory and Mind Emerging from the Growing Block Universe
Event recording Slides of the presentation can be found here. Event description The workings of the mind and
Galileo Commission Summit X: Book Launch for The Playful Universe
Galileo Commission Summit X Book Launch for The Playful Universe: Synchronicity and the Nature of Consciousness edited by Marjorie Woollacott, David
Marco Gericke: Exploring Peter Plichta’s Dualistic Space Model
Event recording Event description Dive into the ground-breaking dualistic space model proposed by Peter Plichta, which harmonises the physical
Wendy Ellyatt
Screenshot Wendy Ellyatt is a Global Thinker and Change Agent who is actively promoting regenerative systems transformation across sectors. She is
Imaginal Inspirations with Peter Russell
Peter Russell is a leading thinker on consciousness and contemporary spirituality. He coined the term "global brain" with his 1980's bestseller of the same name in which he predicted the Internet and the impact it would have on humanity. He is the author of twelve other books, including Waking Up in Time, From Science to God, and most recently Letting Go of Nothing and Forgiving Humanity.
Imaginal Inspirations with Harrie Salman
David's Guest today is Dr Harrie Salman, a philosopher of culture and a traveller who speaks nine European languages and who has lectured at a number of universities. In September 1986, he founded the Rembrandt Foundation for the study of Central European Culture, for which he organised about 30 conferences at the University of Leiden (until 1993).
Jonathan Allday: Quantum Reality
Amongst physical theories, quantum mechanics is unique in having no clear consensus regarding the physical interpretation of the mathematics.
Imaginal Inspirations with Annine van der Meer
David's Guest today is Dr Annine E.G. van der Meer, a Dutch historian of religion who holds a PhD in theology from the University of Utrecht. She was the seventh, last and only female student to write her doctoral thesis under the guidance of the late Prof. Dr. Gilles Quispel.
Galileo Commission Summit IX: Consciousness and Spirituality – How do they relate?
Spirituality and Consciousness Studies SIG – Original Remit Joan Walton, INSS Executive Committee ‘Spirituality’ and ‘consciousness’ are concepts that, at first sight,
Exceptional Experiencer Empowerment Initiative (E³)
During an era when resources for people who experience anomalous phenomena and other hard-to-explain events are still relatively limited, the E³ Initiative is a global community of mental health professionals and scholars who are dedicated to support exceptional experiencers in deeper and more meaningful ways. We provide high-quality education to professionals, equipping them with the tools, resources and ethical guidelines to compassionately support experiencers of anomalous phenomena. Those resources include access to a virtual hub wherein our professional community members can share information and interact with each other, regular consultation groups and other continuing education events for practicing professionals. If you are a mental health professional and this vision resonates with you, we look forward to hearing from you.
Imaginal Inspirations with Stephen Wright
David's Guest today is Rev. Prof. Stephen G Wright FRCN MBE. In his own words, "starting out with the curse-blessing of the original dysfunctional family, Stephen emerged from his Manchester working class background to grow his hair long and wander around Europe like a lot of his generation did in the 60s. He drifted into nursing, and by conventional measures made a success of it, following the first Masters programme at Manchester University and eventually becoming the first consultant nurse in the NHS in 1986. He got into conference speaking and course-leading internationally, shuffled around in academia, made TV programmes, wrote lots of books and research papers about nursing, advised governments and WHO and the Royal College of Nursing, and matured his craft in the nursing practice of older people culminating in leading a radical nursing development unit that influenced nursing far and wide. He gathered lots of glittering prizes along the way to add letters before and after his name, which appealed greatly to the Enneatype 3 personality he carries around with him. Thus all the usual trappings of an acclaimed career were in place.
Jan Pilotti: Conscious Experiences Everywhere – besides in the brain
Event recording Event description Although Einstein concluded that nothing can go faster than light, his theory of special relativity
David Lorimer hosts Pari Center Book-A-Month Club
An informal monthly get-together to discuss books of significance for the Pari Center community. Pari Center is a GC partner. This evening was hosted by our very own David Lorimer to discuss The Passion of the Western Mind by GC adviser Richard Tarnas
Interviews with Innocence – Peter Russell
Peter shares fascinating insights into how the Beatles and the psychedelic influences of the 60s played a pivotal role in his exploration of consciousness. He opens up about the moment he realized that traditional academics could not satiate his thirst for knowledge, leading him to embark on an awakening project that transformed his life and work.
Liza Horan
Liza Horan covers the mind-body-spirit movement as editor of and host of The Mindstream Podcast, and provides strategic communications for the holistic