

Let’s be Real – David Harrison

The full release of a person from ego involves a great amount of effort. It occurs when the person reaches a stage where their 'higher self' can take over. The ego is not lost but more freedom is acquired to detach from it. That entrance by the 'higher self' is necessary to achieve a final release and is unpredictable; sometimes referred to as 'Grace'. A person may feel that they are ready to advance to that stage but they may still hold latent tendencies that need to be resolved. The struggle then continues...

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New Book: Trevor Griffiths – Clearing a Way – Unveiling the Mental Tricks That Hide Reality

How to make better life-enhancing choices when environments crumble and population shifts disrupt our ways of living? Dr Griffiths takes a deep look at how our brains trick us into seeing the surface of things so that we lose sight of the deep relatedness on which our survival as groups will increasingly depend. Many astonishing insights follow. Body-mind dualism dissolves, as the ecological person moves with others in a renewed group-approach to thriving. Dilemmas in the standard quantum view of matter and spirituality resolve so that groups of people are empowered by the same fusion energy burning in stars to renew their power of creative choice. Human inner heart is restored over mind, to its central place, as personal values reshape the future.

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Psychosynthesis and the Alexander Technique – Marilyn Monk

Our goal then is to drop goals beyond our reach and to live fully in the moment, fully accepting and loving our unique selves. We must let go of the wrong-doing of striving to superimpose some projection we have of who we might be. Paradoxically, coming back to who we really are opens a greater potential for who we might be; but this is not a promise. We are simply in with a chance to receive a gift which may shine through when we get out of the way. This will not be something we have tried to achieve, but a gift that was ours from the beginning.

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Book Launch for AAPS Volume IV: Consciousness Unexplained (AAPS Student Magazine)

As students of consciousness, we are learning to question our assumptions at every turn. What is consciousness? Where does consciousness live? How does consciousness express itself? What happens to consciousness when our bodies die? And what do our answers to these questions mean for how we live our lives? We dream that something in this collection of stories, art, poems, and theories cracks open something inside of you, dear reader. Enjoy the journey, and may you never arrive at any conclusions.

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Peter Eastham: The Inside Out Paradigm – A New Theory of Consciousness

The inside out theory of consciousness states that fundamentally everything in the universe is comprised of an inner world of information (consciousness) and an outer world of mass/energy (the physical universe). On the inside the knower becomes (in)formed i.e. information orders, creates and makes things less random (entropy decreases). On the outside the known physical world becomes (ex)formed i.e. external forms (energy/mass) disintegrate, disorder and things become more random (entropy increases).

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New Magazine by Peter Marry on Science and Consciousness

There is a new magazine being curated on Flipboard with a focus on Science and Consciousness ( The magazine is collecting and spreading news from various organisations and individuals in this area, including the Galileo Commission. The purpose is to raise awareness of developments and thinking across the domain. You can follow the magazine for the latest news. If anyone would like to help curate the magazine please contact Peter Merry ([email protected]). (For those who do not know Flipboard, it is a free personalised and curated news service with 145 million active monthly users.)

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June 28 – July 01 – How to Think Impossibly – a mind-bending invitation to experience the impossible as fundamentally human

From precognitive dreams and telepathic visions to near-death experiences, UFO encounters, and beyond, so-called impossible phenomena are not supposed to happen. But they do happen—all the time. Jeffrey J. Kripal asserts that the impossible is a function not of reality, but of our everchanging assumptions about what is real.

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Imaginal Inspirations with Anna Bacchia

David Lorimer's guest today is Anna Bacchia, who describes herself as an Aesthete Innovator Researcher Teacher & Writer. She has conducted more than 40 years of Research in Human Sciences and Cognitive Sciences, where she has focused on unexplored aspects and qualities of the Cognitive, Creative and Intuitive processes. She is Founder of the ‘Consciousness Institute’ Lugano, Switzerland, and of the LIFE Leaders .international® Project, and she holds Educational Trainings and Programs on ‘Consciousness, Self, Life’ dedicated to an unexplored intuitive communicating and understanding, in syntony with the nature of Life.

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Interview with Bernard Carr on consciousness and parapsychology

Our brains do not produce consciousness, they 'filter' it and consciousness is related to the higher dimensions in string theory. In this thought provoking conversation, distinguished Professor of mathematics and astronomy Bernard Carr explains his theory of consciousness and psi-phenomena.

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SMN Webinar 19 January: The Implication of the Reality of ETs on Earth – Jim Garrison

The US Congress has passed the UAP Records Collection Amendment to the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act mandating that all US Government agencies and contracting corporations turn over all the evidence they have gathered concerning UFOs — now called Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) — to the National Archives for dissemination to the public. Jim Garrison will discuss the implications of this legislation and the possibilities for a larger framework for human identity in a cosmic context.

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Imaginal Inspirations with Frédérique Apffel-Marglin

David Lorimer's  guest today is Professor Frédérique Apffel-Marglin, who is Professor Emerita, Department of Anthropology at Smith College. She founded the Sachamama Center for Biocultural Regeneration in the Peruvian High Amazon in 2009 where she works with indigenous communities as well as several High Schools in the province, regenerating the most sustainable and climate reducing pre-Columbian anthropogenic soil known as Terra Preta do Indio (black earth of the Indians). Her more recent books are: Subversive Spiritualities: How Rituals Enact the World (2011); Sacred Soil: Biochar and the Regeneration of the Earth with Robert Tindall and David Shearer, (2017); Contemporary Voices from Anima Mundi edited with Stefano Varese, (2020). Her latest book is written with Randy Chung Gonzales who has worked in SCBR for decades: Initiated by the Spirits: Healing Ills of Modernity through Shamanism, Psychedelics and the Power of the Sacred (2022).

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Quantum Panpsychism and the Light Bulb Metaphor – Emmanuel Ransford

This paper outlines an approach which casts new light on some unsolved issues surrounding mind and matter, like: What tells them apart? How do they communicate?... It argues, with a little help from quantum physics, that plain matter may be richer than what we are wont to believe. It assumes that consciousness is a nonmaterial content of the world and infers that the mind expands beyond the biological brain. It also suggests a new way to figure out what role the brain plays in conscious awareness, and it puts forward a fresh insight as regards the mind-body dialogue.

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02 December – Debate: Does Consciousness Extend Beyond the Brain? with Rupert Sheldrake, Anil Seth and Tanya Luhrmann

At this year's Holberg Debate, Tanya Luhrmann, Anil Seth and Rupert Sheldrake will take on the deep scientific and philosophical mystery of consciousness. The debate will be chaired by David Malone. 

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Four Simple Questions – Dialogues between Consciousness Scientists and ‘1st person scientists’

A series of dialogues between scientists studying consciousness and those that might be called ‘1st person scientists’. People who have gone so deeply and objectively into the subjective experience of consciousness that they are liberated from the illusion of separation.

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Imaginal Inspirations with Lisa Miller

David Lorimer's guest today is Dr Lisa Miller, the New York Times bestselling author of The Spiritual Child and her new book, The Awakened Brain. She is a professor in the Clinical Psychology Program at Teachers College, Columbia University where she founded the Spirituality Mind Body Institute, the first Ivy League graduate program and research institute in spirituality and psychology, and has held over a decade of joint appointments in the Department of Psychiatry at Columbia University Medical School.

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Rupert Sheldrake vs Michael Shermer – a Debate on Science – How The Light Gets In 2023

Rupert and well-known skeptic Michael Shermer explore the boundaries of human understanding and the nature of scientific knowledge. Shermer argues that while we can never be entirely certain about anything, the scientific method is the best tool we have for approximating truth. He emphasizes the importance of replication in scientific studies and is skeptical of claims that challenge established scientific theories without strong evidence. Sheldrake, on the other hand, believes that there are areas of human experience currently considered taboo in mainstream science that deserve investigation. He argues that the skepticism towards such phenomena is often rooted in a materialist worldview that limits the scope of scientific inquiry. Both agree on the importance of evidence but differ on what constitutes sufficient evidence to challenge existing paradigms.

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Romance to Exemplary Wedding. Conscious Humanity loves Humanized AI – A.K. Mukhopadhyay

Artificial device of intelligence, in spite of being an example of the wedding of a good science with good technology is in controversy because its modus operandi of industrialization and growth is not in consonance with a strong emerging Worldview that encompasses Science, Humanity and Spirit (consciousness). This paper shows technological directions how their wedding could be made not merely adorable but exemplary. Making an objective psychology, exploration of other information states beside signal, investigating the possibilities of harnessing dark energy, hybridization with biological materials and organelles, and use of emerging neutrino technology are five approaches discussed in the paper. The paper concludes with a long journey ahead.

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