

Ubiquity University

Ubiquity University is a global university designed for social impact. Ubiquity is a whole new kind of education for a whole new

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The Study Society

The Society promotes moral and spiritual welfare by encouraging individuals to pursue a journey towards Self-realisation — realisation of their full potential

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The Pari Center

The Pari Center was conceived as a haven of peace and gentle action in a world increasingly gripped by turmoil. In adopting

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The Parapsychological Association

The Parapsychological Association (PA) is the international professional body for the scientific and scholarly study of ‘psi’ (or ‘psychic’) experiences, such as

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Science and Nonduality

Science And Nonduality (SAND) is a community inspired by timeless wisdom, informed by cutting-edge science, and grounded in direct experience. We come

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Schumacher College

Schumacher College attracts students from over 90 different countries, of all ages and backgrounds, drawn by its reputation for cutting-edge learning relating

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David Lorimer – Experiment and Experience: Complementary Approaches to Truth

I believe that it is possible for science, and especially the science of consciousness to deepen into what Nasr calls scientia sacra. Here the mind is not divorced from the heart: ‘the eye of the heart perceives the unity that is at once the origin and end of the multiplicity perceived by the mind and the mind’s own power to analyse and know discursively. The light with which the mind is seeking to discover is itself a ray of the Light of God’. We return to that earlier remark by Eckhart: ‘The eye with which I see God is the same eye as God sees in me’.

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Imaginal Inspirations with Howard Eisenberg

On the ‘left brain’ side, he’s a Physician with post-graduate training in both Psychology and Psychiatry, and is one of the international pioneers in both the clinical & organizational aspects of Stress Management... On the ‘right brain’ side – Dr. Eisenberg earned his medical degree and master’s degree in Psychology simultaneously!

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AK Mukhopadhyay – Underlying Humanities in a Molecular Cell

While science is mandated for discovering “life”, we are engaged in the ‘chemistry-as-life’ or ‘physics-as-life’ paradigm with machine-metaphor everywhere! The whole explanation of photosynthesis by plants and quorum sensing in the bacterial colony is based on chemistry and physics. The focus is on signal-based automated molecular robots directed by the molecular clock and molecular memory ignoring the obvious, the autonomous behavior of a cell. Machine learning is preferred to the way a cell learns! Synthetic biology and artificial life are diamond points in cell science!

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6th Oxford Humans Online Forum on Death and Dying

You are warmly invited to the 6th Oxford Humans online forum on death and dying. Dr Pim van Lommel, previously a cardiologist at Hospital Rijnstate in Arnhem, the Netherlands, will present the results of his long-term research on the cases of cardiac arrest. He will argue that consciousness is independent of body, and possibly it continues to exist after physical death.

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Institute of Noetic Sciences

The Institute of Noetic Sciences is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting individual and collective transformation through consciousness research, transformative learning, and

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The European Transpersonal Association (EUROTAS) developed from a group of practitioners of health and healing and researchers in sciences and spirituality. It

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