

Imaginal Inspirations with Peter Fenwick

David Lorimer's Guest today is his old friend and long-time colleague Dr Peter Fenwick who is Emeritus Consultant Neuropsychiatrist, Maudsley Hospital and Emeritus Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Psychiatry. His other appointments included Consultant Neurophysiologist at St. Thomas’s, Westminster and Broadmoor Hospitals.

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Between Two Worlds: The Encapsulated Self – Marye O’Reilly-Knapp

This article considers how the schizoid condition may manifest as dissociative and autistic states, and a fourth pattern of insecure attachment is introduced. Case vignettes are used to illustrate the phenomenological experiences of the schizoid's unspoken and sequestered world and to identify how contact and the methods of inquiry, involvement, and attunement are used in an intensive therapeutic relationship.

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Tao Science: The Science, Wisdom, and Practice of Creation and Grand Unification – Sha & Xiu

Tao is the Source of everyone and everything. Tao Science is the science of the Source and creation. It is science that tells us what everyone and everything are made of, how everyone and everything are created, how everyone and everything interact, and much more. Step into the universe of Tao Science. Tao Science is more than a theory. It is a practice. It is the way of life. You will never step back.

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Imaginal Inspirations with Mario Beauregard

David Lorimer's guest today is Dr. Mario Beauregard, a neuroscientist currently affiliated with the Department of Psychology, University of Arizona.   He received a bachelor degree in psychology and a doctorate degree in neuroscience from the University of Montreal. Dr. Beauregard is the author of more than 100 publications in neuroscience, psychology, and psychiatry.

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Cracking consciousness: how do our minds really work? – Kit Wilson

With scientists mapping our neurons in ever greater detail, and companies like Google claiming they’re close to creating human-level artificial intelligence, the gap between brain and machine seems to be shrinking — throwing the question of consciousness, one of the great philosophical mysteries, back into the heart of scientific debate. Will the human mind — that ineffable tangle of private, first-person experiences — soon be shown to have a purely physical explanation? The neuroscientist Steven Novella certainly thinks so: ‘The evidence for the brain as the sole cause of the mind is, in my opinion, overwhelming.’

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Galileo Commission Summit V: Spiritual Awakenings Book Launch

This series of round-table discussions, which will take place over the course of two days, will mark the launch of a new collaborative book by the Galileo Commission and the Academy for the Advancement of Postmaterialist Sciences (AAPS): Spiritual Awakenings: Scientists and Academics Share Their Experiences - edited by Marjorie Woollacott and David Lorimer, Co-Chairs of the Galileo Commission. You may find out more about the book by visiting:

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Edi Bilimoria – Unfolding Consciousness

This talk presents an overview of a work, in four volumes, which has been has been some two decades in the making, much of this time during the most turbulent period in modern world history, and represents the fruits of over half a century of exploration and research in science and the Perennial Philosophy.

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Nonlocal Consciousness Correlates Analysis: the ‘oREGano’ project – Vasileios Basios & Wolfhardt Janu

Our working group, historically the first one to emerge, came about as an informal gathering of friends from the GC who had similar interests on studying traces of consciousness’ states manifesting in organizational dynamics. It is about the study of trace-signals of “organizational closure” which is now being detected due to an innovation on standard random event generators (REGs).

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Asian Traditional & Indigenous Wisdom and Science – Rahul Goswami

Traditional medicinal, healing and curative sciences and arts stand, in many ways, at the threshold between material and non-material worlds. Their most experienced practitioners have developed ways of not only seeing, but of understanding and diagnosing currents and fluxes within and surrounding our gross bodies.

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Completing the Spectrum – Nicholas Rosseinsky

This initiative adopts a tentative (non-dual) psychospiritual framework for Ground, Self, and Soul; for the arising of the illusion of separation; and for the emergence of our local Universe and material process, as a response to that arising. In this hypothetical context, humanity’s challenge is: how are we to relinquish participation in separation, individually and collectively?

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Enrichment Through New Insights: Balancing Mind against Materialism – Joachim Reuter

Our task is to inform people about the new insights how quantum physics may be enriching our life with balancing mind against materialism. We want to help bringing about new life plans to reduce excessive striving for material goods and to overcome the mental poverty of people in highly developed countries.

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Psychophysics of Consciousness: How psychology lost its mind – Charles Fox

The intention of this initiative is to explore a new approach to the psychology of mind/consciousness... At this point in history, theoretical physics, cognitive science, and psychology are demonstrating a collation and integration of evidence that may provide a fruitful ground for this new psychology to grow.

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Carsten Ohrmann

Carsten Ohrmann is a recognized independent Transformation Advisor, Executive Coach and Business Mentor, supporting individual leaders, leadership teams and major companies during periods of profound personal and organisational change.

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Six Days: Reason as a Cosmic Phenomenon – Alexei Tsvelik

The book gives a popular description of the cosmogenesis as viewed by the modern science, but with a teleological twist putting homo sapiens into a cosmic perspective. The appearance of human species is considered as a final step in a long succession of events from the Big Bang to present times. Starting from a structureless state of the newborn Universe the cosmogenesis then goes through the succession of aeons (“days”) characterized by increased complexity of the emergent structures culminating in the appearance of the most complex physical objects presently known—human brains. Each “day” prepares a ground for the next breakthrough in complexity. It is demonstrated that appearance of ever more complex structures cannot be taken for granted, but is highly conditional on a very special structure of the laws of physics.

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How We Are Being Misled About the Science of Consciousness – Gerald R. Baron

The large gap between science consensus and what the public believes has come to light on a number of topics: climate change, GMOs, safety of vaccination, and so on. One of the biggest gaps may be what science says about the mind-brain connection and what the public is told science says about that through popular media...

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IANDS lecture – Near-Death Experiences and Mystical Experiences

Dr. Peyton, a former atheist, neurologist and hospice physician, shares her NDE and Dr. Marjorie Woollacott, a neuroscience professor, discusses the transformations caused by near-death experiences and mystical experiences, along with their relationship to consciousness, love, and joy.

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Ruth Jones – Foreshore Dreaming

Foreshore Dreaming grows out of the established practice of Social Dreaming and is further inspired by the tradition of ‘centring down’ in Quaker Worship so that the Meeting can become ‘gathered’.

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Neuroscience of Spirituality – Lisa Miller

Learn from Dr. Lisa Miller on the new science of spirituality and our quest for an inspired life. A captivating look at what happens to our brains when we’re connected to something greater than ourselves — and what it does for our lives. What makes life worth living? Dr. Miller explains we each have a neuro-seat of transcendence that hardwires us to toggle between two realities: 1. awakened awareness and 2. achieving awareness.

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Dual Aspect Monism in Spinoza, James and Russell – Gerald R. Baron

Summarizing these more historic views, we can conclude that from Parmenides through Spinoza, Ernst Mach and William James through to Bertrand Russell that mind-matter questions burned brightly. The human intuition that mind is not matter and matter is not mind is given credence by their thoughts and ideas. But the “easy” solution of simply separating them into two essentially unconnected substances as Descartes preferred did not rest easily with those who came after the French philosopher. Like the mystics, they sought and believed they found a fundamental unity underlying everything including mind and matter. A one world, so to speak, a unus mundus. And to that idea we turn next.

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Bernard Carr – Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview

Bernard Carr is Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy at Queen Mary University of London. His professional area of research is cosmology and astrophysics and includes such topics as the early universe, black holes, dark matter, and the anthropic principle. He is the author of around 300 papers and the books Universe or Multiverse? and Quantum Black Holes. He is also very interested in the role of consciousness as a fundamental rather than incidental feature of the Universe. In particular, he is developing a new psychophysical paradigm linking matter and mind which accommodates normal, paranormal, and mystical experiences. He also has a long-standing interest in the relationship between science and religion, especially Buddhism, having been the coholder of a grant from the Templeton Foundation for a project entitled “Fundamental Physics, Cosmology and the Problem of our Existence". He is President of The Scientific and Medical Network and a former President of the Society for Psychical Research.

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Max Velmans on “Only Connect. A Personal Journey into Consciousness”

This talk, given at Totnes Consciousness Cafe on 1st July, 2022, describes some of the major transitions in Max Velmans' own journey into a deeper understanding of consciousness. This included potent extraordinary experiences as well as ordinary experiences along with an in-depth scientific and philosophical study of consciousness for over 50 years. From this he developed Reflexive Monism, an integrative Western understanding of human consciousness as being one manifestation of a conscious, self-observing universe -- an understanding that converges closely with the non-dual Integral Vedanta of Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, and Aurobindo. In this talk he describes one early formative mystical experience along with some of the major intellectual steps that guided his way.

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