Bridging Science and Spirit
We arrive at a conclusion that science is a path to self-knowledge and that ‘Science and Spirit are a necessary unity.’ At the time of writing, people are coming together to meditate whereby we create a field ‘raising the symmetry of space’ and creating an atmosphere that is coherent and palpable in sacred places. In the case of advanced saints and sages like Padre Pio, this may even result in the physical body becoming incorruptible, somehow transforming the very matter normally subject to entropic decay. All this gives pause for thought, while the book as a whole points way beyond our current conceptual limits.
The Oxford Research Centre In The Humanities Discusses Iain McGilchrist’s Work – 26th November
The Oxford Research Centre In The Humanities has announced that on Thursday (26th November 2pm-3pm GMT) there will be a book reading which will focus on a discussion of the book by Commission adviser and author of the Foreword of the Galileo Commission Report Iain McGilchrist's The Master and His Emissary.
The Imaginal Inspirations Podcast – David Lorimer
Imaginal cells are responsible for the metamorphosis of the caterpillar into a butterfly, the Greek symbol for the soul. These cells are dormant in the caterpillar but at a critical point of development they create the new form and structure which becomes the butterfly. In the podcast series Imaginal Inspirations, David Lorimer talks to transformational authors and scientists about the experiences, people and books that have shaped their life and work.
David Lorimer on the Conversation beyond Science and Religion podcast
But like old Procrustes, modern science continues to force the facts to fit the theory, imagining new particles, new forces, and ever more worlds to explain the features of our universe. The book, Science, Consciousness & Ultimate Reality, edited by this week’s guest, David Lorimer, contains 11 articles by prominent thinkers all pointed in the same direction: consciousness, not mind, must be fundamental to the workings of the universe. At some point, science will be unable to ignore the facts, and it too will change.
Andrew Fellows, PhD
Andrew Fellows, PhD, is a classical Jungian Analyst ( with private practices in Bern and Zürich, Program Director and Training Analyst at ISAP Zurich, an independent researcher and author, and a deep ecologist.
An earlier universe existed before the Big Bang – Sarah Kapton
An earlier universe existed before the Big Bang and can still be observed today, Sir Roger Penrose has said, as he received the Nobel Prize for Physics.
Systems of Categories Distinguishing Cultural Biases
Tony Judge offers this interesting comparative analysis of different forms of categorisation.
Marjorie Woollacott TV Interview on End of Life Experiences
Galileo commission adivser Marjorie Woollacott is interviewed by Northwest TV on End of Life Experiences, including Terminal Lucidity.
WHAT IS LIFE? #25 Tim Freke and David Lorimer
In this podcast episode, professional affiliate Tim Freke and the Chair of the Galileo Commission David Lorimer sit down to discuss Being, consciousness, science, the Galileo Commission Report and much more.
October 2020 Newsletter
October 2020 Newsletter
The man who destroyed skepticism – Mitch Horowtiz
I sympathize with those who want to challenge credulity and generalized references to psychical phenomena — and all the more with researchers and investigators who expose frauds. I sympathize, too, with those who have lost a man, a friend, and a spouse. But to the intellectual community, and anyone concerned with critical inquiry in general, Randi's legacy should serve as a cautionary tale and a call to restore sound practices when discussing or writing about contentious topics in science or any field. These are things that a showman can deter but never erase.
MTE Podcast #11: The Science of Spirituality with David Lorimer
Science is full of metaphors of becoming and interconnectedness. If we could catch ourselves up as a culture with this view and make it primary, we would realise we’re all embedded in the same life, the same consciousness, and the same system.
What Does Spirituality Mean to Us? A Study of Spirituality in the US
The Fetzer Institute, a Galileo Commission partner, conducted a study to gain an insight into the spiritual lives of people across the
Knowledge Processes Neglected by Science – Anothny Judge
As a self-acclaimed exemplar of appropriate behaviour, is it useful to see authoritative science as engaged in game-playing to be fruitfully compared with the traditional fair-ground confidence trickery of "find the lady" -- in this case the "lady" being science itself. With highly principled religions and political ideologies, a form of definitional game-playing is used to ensure that outsiders are confused in their efforts to define science (and attribute irresponsibility and blame to it appropriately). Every detected inadequacy is held to be "not-science" -- science necessarily always wins that game, as with religions and political ideologies.
Bernardo Kastrup, PhD
Bernardo Kastrup's work has been leading the modern renaissance of metaphysical idealism, the notion that reality is essentially mental. He has a Ph.D. in philosophy (ontology, philosophy of mind) and another Ph.D. in computer engineering (reconfigurable computing, artificial intelligence).
Can Science Be Practiced in a Dream World? – Philip Comella
It seems better to build a worldview upon the correct metaphysics and then carry out science, rather than to assume one must believe in an erroneous world model as the price for carrying out a logical, systematic, objective study of the world.
The Love of Truth and the Truth of Love – Bertrand Russell
Among the thirty-five subjects included in the book, alongside Martin Luther King, Edith Sitwell, and Carl Jung, was the Nobel-winning English mathematician, logician, philosopher, and sanity steward Bertrand Russell (May 18, 1872–February 2, 1970), whom I continue to consider one of the most lucid and luminous minds our civilization has produced, and by far the philosopher whose ideas — ideas at the rare and necessary nexus of science and humanitarianism — I most admire in totality.
Free Webinar: Near-death experience without dying? – R. Hesse
Join Houston IANDS in an experiential journey of discovery backed by neuroscientific studies. The presentation will be in two parts - contemplative experience and comparative research - each followed by a discussion with a break in-between. The final discussion will focus on how the two presentations relate.
Interview with Charles Tart – White Crow Books
It’s dogma in scientistic materialism, and, as in any fundamentalist religion, dogma is not open to examination. The Church of Materialism can be very dogmatic and has its Inquisitors, the pseudo-skeptics, working vigorously to stamp out Heresy.
September 2020 Newsletter
September 2020 Newsletter
Sentient Evolution – Alan Rayner
Ultimately the evolution of life is neither the predictable outcome of an enforced competition nor an enforced collaboration within a fixed arena, but a continuing creative exploration of a field of ever-changing possibility.
Film with Bernard Carr – Back Holes, Cosmology and the Limits of Science
In this film Bernard Carr maintains that science is continually evolving. He draws upon examples from cosmology and black holes to make this point. He also reflects on his relationship with Stephen Hawking who was his faculty advisor and mentor. He suggests that science will not be complete until it can incorporate both mind and spirit.
Harald Walach – Towards a Postmaterialist Science
In this presentation, Halard Walach summarises the Galileo Commission Report in a talk for the Society for Scientific Exploration.
Controversial TEDTalk about Psychic Abilities – Russell Targ
Conceived under a TEDx license as inspiration to change our fundamental value system to where mutual concern is as important as self-interest is, this talk was part of a daylong program, "Brother, Can You Spare a Paradigm?," produced by Suzanne Taylor.
WHAT IS LIFE? #24 Tim Freke and Ervin Laszlo
In this short podcast episode, Tim and Ervin discussed Ervin Laszlo's notion of the Akashic field of information that underlies the universe, which resonates closely with ideas Tim Freke is exploring in his Unividualist philosophy. Ervin said after the episode to Tim: 'I enjoyed our chat — truly substantive. The deepest questions.'