

Knowledge Processes Neglected by Science – Anothny Judge

As a self-acclaimed exemplar of appropriate behaviour, is it useful to see authoritative science as engaged in game-playing to be fruitfully compared with the traditional fair-ground confidence trickery of "find the lady" -- in this case the "lady" being science itself. With highly principled religions and political ideologies, a form of definitional game-playing is used to ensure that outsiders are confused in their efforts to define science (and attribute irresponsibility and blame to it appropriately). Every detected inadequacy is held to be "not-science" -- science necessarily always wins that game, as with religions and political ideologies.

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Bernardo Kastrup, PhD

Bernardo Kastrup's work has been leading the modern renaissance of metaphysical idealism, the notion that reality is essentially mental. He has a Ph.D. in philosophy (ontology, philosophy of mind) and another Ph.D. in computer engineering (reconfigurable computing, artificial intelligence).

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The Love of Truth and the Truth of Love – Bertrand Russell

Among the thirty-five subjects included in the book, alongside Martin Luther King, Edith Sitwell, and Carl Jung, was the Nobel-winning English mathematician, logician, philosopher, and sanity steward Bertrand Russell (May 18, 1872–February 2, 1970), whom I continue to consider one of the most lucid and luminous minds our civilization has produced, and by far the philosopher whose ideas — ideas at the rare and necessary nexus of science and humanitarianism — I most admire in totality.

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Free Webinar: Near-death experience without dying? – R. Hesse

Join Houston IANDS in an experiential journey of discovery backed by neuroscientific studies. The presentation will be in two parts - contemplative experience and comparative research - each followed by a discussion with a break in-between. The final discussion will focus on how the two presentations relate.

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Interview with Charles Tart – White Crow Books

It’s dogma in scientistic materialism, and, as in any fundamentalist religion, dogma is not open to examination. The Church of Materialism can be very dogmatic and has its Inquisitors, the pseudo-skeptics, working vigorously to stamp out Heresy.

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Sentient Evolution – Alan Rayner

Ultimately the evolution of life is neither the predictable outcome of an enforced competition nor an enforced collaboration within a fixed arena, but a continuing creative exploration of a field of ever-changing possibility.

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Film with Bernard Carr – Back Holes, Cosmology and the Limits of Science

In this film Bernard Carr maintains that science is continually evolving. He draws upon examples from cosmology and black holes to make this point. He also reflects on his relationship with Stephen Hawking who was his faculty advisor and mentor. He suggests that science will not be complete until it can incorporate both mind and spirit.

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WHAT IS LIFE? #24 Tim Freke and Ervin Laszlo

In this short podcast episode, Tim and Ervin discussed Ervin Laszlo's notion of the Akashic field of information that underlies the universe, which resonates closely with ideas Tim Freke is exploring in his Unividualist philosophy. Ervin said after the episode to Tim: 'I enjoyed our chat — truly substantive. The deepest questions.'

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A Mind is Always Present: Materialism’s Fatal Flaw – Philip Comella

To the degree scientists take mind out of the physical world they must use greater theorizing power to imagine how this mindless stuff assembled itself into world of perfect order. But a mind is always present, either out in the world organizing the dream, or in the mind of the theorist imagining how mindless stuff evolved into a world.

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Corona & Beyond: Transpersonal Perspectives

This free summer series of online dialogues and embodied creative reflections expands on themes that emerged in our June session “Corona and Beyond: Transitioning to a new paradigm”, to explore transpersonal perspectives on the global pandemic and our individual, social and collective responses.

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Film with Bernard Carr – Hyperspace, Consciousness, and Time

In this film, Galileo Commission adviser Bernard Carr shares his theoretical thinking about how consciousness and psychic phenomena can best be integrated into theoretical physics. He further describes the history of thinking regarding hyperspace as well as his own preferred models of consciousness. He also shares some insights into the nature of time and the "specious present" that we experience as human organisms.

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Returning from death – Interview with Pim van Lommel

In this interview for KOSMOS magazine, Galileo Commisison adviser Dr Pim van Lommel shares insights from his work on near-death experiences, the findings from his renowned 2001 Dutch study, and how these findings relate to consciousness and the brain. Finally, Pim reflects that after 30 years of investigation into near-death experiences, not only has his own perspective on life changed, but his views on science have evolved too

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Is the Universe Conscious? – Max Velmans

In this talk, given at a seminar on 7th July 2020, Galileo Commission adviser Max Velmans suggests a different way to understand the many ways in which humans and other sentient beings are natural expressions of a reflexive, self-observing universe and the many ways in which this universe might be conscious.

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Film with Bernard Carr – Consciousness and Cosmology

Bernard Carr explains how he has endeavored to maintain professional interests in psychical research, spirituality, physics, and cosmology. He notes that his own interest in the paranormal was stimulated by a series of out-of-body experiences. He suggests that a physical understanding of consciousness will most likely entail a theory incorporating higher dimensions of space. He also describes his work on the anthropic cosmological principle as well as primordial black holes.

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Film with Bernard Carr – Psychical Research and Parapsychology

Bernard Carr shares his passion for parapsychology and psychical research and describes several of his own experiments. He also reviews the history of these disciplines, from his unique perspective as a physicist and astronomer. The discussion touches on questions of post-mortem survival, reincarnation, telepathy, and UFOs. He shares his memories of the late Professor Ian Stevenson as well as his admiration for Sir Oliver Lodge.

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Robert & Suzanne Mays – Veridical Perceptions in NDEs

Investigation of apparently non-physical veridical perceptions (AVPs) during NDEs has been the subject of much experimental and phenomenological research since 1988. Many types of AVPs would require physical explanations that are highly questionable. However, with the weight of many types of AVPs, a strong case can be made for the idea that NDEs involve the actual separation of consciousness from the physical body and may lead to the correct conception of the mind relative to the physical body and to physical reality.

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Interview with Elisabet Sahtouris – Communication and Communion

Internationally known as a dynamic speaker, Dr. Sahtouris is an evolution biologist, futurist, professor, author and consultant on Living Systems Design. She shows the relevance of biological systems to organizational design in business, government and globalisation.

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