Zero-Point Energy State of the Brain – AK Mukhopadhyay, 2019
The Galileo Commission for expanding the scope of Science ( launched in 2018 has taken up this issue seriously. At this specific Galileo Moment, the author who happened to be a member of the Advisory Board of this Commission, has chosen zero-point energy state of the brain as an important central issue for this purpose which might initiate multidisciplinary research to push the envelope of science farther.
About the Continuity of Consciousness – van Lommel, 2018
The question is: How can scientific research on NDE help us to understand more about the mystery of the mind-brain relationship? By asking this and other questions about consciousness my interest started in NDE research.
Neural Correlates of Induced Light Experience – Fenwick et al., 2019
Altogether, our results provide first neuroscientific evidence underlying the phenomenological experience of induced light.
Ulisse Di Corpo, PhD
I was born in 1959 from Protestant mother and Catholic father and their continuous diversity helped me develop an independent and non-religious way
Roland Benedikter, Prof
R. Prof. Dott. Dr. Dr. Dr. Roland Benedikter is Research Professor of Multidisciplinary Political Analysis in residence at the Willy Brandt Center of
Padmanabhan Krishna, Prof
Krishnamurti Study Centre, Rajghat Education Centre, Rajghat Fort, Varanasi 221001, U.P., India Science & Society, Education Trustee, Krishnamurti Foundation India, Chennai January 1986
Martin Lockley, Prof
Martin Lockley (born 1950) is a Welsh palaeontologist. He was educated in the United Kingdom where he obtained degrees (BSc and PhD) and post-doctoral
Mechanism of Intuition – AK Mukhopadhyay, 2018
Mechanism of Intuition AK Mukhopadhyay, 2018 To download a pdf, please click here*. Abstract Intuition is a cognitive process with an outcome of
Encountering Complexity – In Need for a Self-Reflecting (Pre)Epistemology – Basios, 2005
We have recently started to understand that fundamental aspects of complex systems such as emergence, the measurement problem, inherent uncertainty, complex causality in connection with unpredictable determinism, time-irreversibility and nonlocality all highlight the observer’s participatory role in determining their workings.
The Science of Spiritual Psychology – AK Mukhopadhyay, 2017
Spiritual psychology begins when the psyche of the individual takes a journey on faith, devotion and love towards some abstract existence of ‘That’, which is not observable, not localizable in space and time, not measurable and non-reducible.
The Origin and Purpose of the Universe – Hague, 2016
Two of the eight questions that the Commission for Extended Science says in its remit cannot be answered by materialistic, mechanistic science are “The origin of everything. The Big Bang theory is full of holes” and “Inherent purpose in the universe”.
The Metaphysical Foundations of Buddhism and Modern Science – Kohl, 2016
Key term: ‘Emptiness’. The Indian philosopher Nagarjuna ( 2nd century Current Era) is known in the history of Buddhism mainly by his keyword ‘sunyata’.
The Ladder of Cognition: Abstract Operation, Molecular Biology, Sytems Science – AK Mukhopadhyay, 2017
There emerges the broad outline of organization in the design of unified systems science. The outcomes have promises for pathology and molecular medicine, cell biology and synthetic biology, psychology and psychiatry, artificial intelligence and bio-robotics.
The Healing Potential of Anomalous Perceptual Experiences – Powell, 2016
In this short paper, I want to outline the nature of anomalous perceptions, challenge some assumptions about what we mean by reality and briefly illustrate how we may work with APs, as I shall call them.
Systems-bound and Systems-independent Consciousness – AK Mukhopadhyay, 2016
Since consciousness is described to be both inside and outside systems, a model of the inter-phase required for communication between systems-bound consciousness and systems-independent consciousness has been created identifying its constituents, their operations and interactive processes.
Systems Psyche: Its Structure, Operation and Possible Molecular Links – AK Mukhopadhyay, 2016
Traditionally, the psyche has been considered to have a monolithic structure composed of mind or consciousness. From a robust common sense experience and from the experience of those engaged in inward Olympics with mind this paper theoretically dissects the constituent members of the psyche and their autonomous operations and interaction. From the insight of its polylithic character the paper develops a new description of Systems Psyche.
Some thoughts about the future of scientific observation – Tibbs, 2018
But there is another realm of human experience. In addition to experience of an “outside world” there is experience of an “interior world”. This interior experience consists of phenomena such as thoughts, emotions, memories, dreams and perceptions.
Neural Fabrics of the Mind – AK Mukhopadhyay, 2015
What we see as mental disorders, have deep roots in cell signaling and in failure of handling of information by operations of mind, self and ‘life’. The purpose of this review is to take lead from the renaissance in emerging knowledge in glia-neuron relationship for developing the molecular foundation of a systems neuroscience, which is inclusive of cognition and consciousness and excludes nothing from the behavior.
Near-Death Experiences, The Mind-Body Debate, and the Nature of Reality – Alexander III, 2014
The truth is that the more we come to understand the physical workings of the brain, the more we realize it does not create consciousness at all. We are conscious in spite of our brain!
Is the Brain a ‘Wet Computer’: Are Humans ‘Lumbering Robots’? – Bilimoria, 2018
This is the foremost view about the mind amongst mainstream scientists – never mind (excuse the pun) that science (by its own admission) has to date barely understood the subtleties of human consciousness.
Intelligence in perspectives of the Systems Psyche: Natural, Human and Artificial – AK Mukhopadhyay, 2017
Lessons for devising open-ended AI device could also be learnt from how the message in neural signals could reach the domain of consciousness by climbing up, and how the ‘will’ of consciousness is translated as neural signal by climbing down the ladder of cognition within the systems psyche.
Information Holograph – The Structure, the Source and its Operation – AK Mukhopadhyay, 2012
Does the Whole communicate with trillions and trillions of miniature wholes? If so, it is how and why? These questions have given birth to this conceptual paper where First person‘s experiential realm has been expressed in Third Person‘s perspectives.
Global Unity through a World State and a World Constitution – Hagger, 2018
My two books, which came out at the end of June 2018, foresee a world in which all members of humankind will have their lot improved. Before the mystic Light all human beings are spiritually equal, and I hold up the possibility of a world not too far ahead in which all can dwell at peace without the need for refugees.
Experiment and Experience: Complementary Approaches to Truth – Lorimer, 1997
Then what is the purpose of apprehending truth? It is to accumulate information, gain knowledge, acquire wisdom or a combination of all three? I would contend that we are all seeking insight and understanding, which is surely one reason why we attend conferences like this one!
Emerging patterns in the complexity – AK Mukhopadhyay, 2016
An emerging new psychology has been identified where the psyche could be considered a five-piece structure and process, which has relevance in cell biology where the cellular cognition is dynamically supported by signal networks of downstream informational molecules. The overall map thus constructed is non-reductive, holistic and falls within the ambits of systems science.