Registrations Open for Students of Spiritual Science Symposium, 22-23 July
The New Paradigm Navigators (NPNs) Students of Spiritual Science Symposium is only a few months away. This exciting online symposium aims to explore new paradigms that will herald in a new way of being on the earth; bringing about dynamic and heart-centred action to engage with the uncertain times we live in.
Imaginal Inspirations with Ervin Laszlo
David's guest today is Prof Ervin Laszlo. He spent his childhood in Budapest, Hungary. He was a celebrated child prodigy on the piano, with public appearances from the age of nine. Receiving a Grand Prize at the international music competition in Geneva, he was allowed to leave Hungary and begin an international concert career, first in Europe and then in America. Shifting to the life of a philosopher and systems scientist, he has lectured at various U.S. Universities including Yale and Princeton. He is the Founder and President of both the Club of Budapest and the Laszlo Institute for New Paradigm Research.
The End of Quantum Reality: A Conversation with Wolfgang Smith – Samuel Sotillos
And then I would share with them the good news.You need be divided no more, I would say. The world you perceive—replete with its colors, the fragrance of flowers and the songs of birds—is not after all a res cogitans: you can henceforth hug your child, knowing for certain that it is real! In a word, you can be human once again. And as if that were not enough: you can, once again, tread the ancient and hallowed paths of your fathers, confident they will lead you to a blessed end.
The absurdity of mind as machine – David Bentley Hart
This is why, among devout philosophical physicalists, such wild extremes as eliminativist reductionism and the materialist version of panpsychism are ever more in vogue. The mental, it turns out, is no more reconcilable to the modern picture of material nature than it was in Descartes’s day. And that should make us consider whether we ought to revise our governing paradigm once more.
Why not scientism? – Moti Mizrahi
Rather than conceive of scientism in ways that could be weaponised, then, we should think about it along the lines I have proposed above. Epistemological scientism is the view that scientific knowledge is superior to non-scientific knowledge either because scientific knowledge is the only form of knowledge we have, and so non-scientific knowledge is not really knowledge at all, or because scientific knowledge is better than non-scientific knowledge.
Imaginal Inspirations with Bernard Carr
Bernard Carr is Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy at Queen Mary University of London. For his PhD he studied the first second of the universe with Stephen Hawking at Cambridge University and Caltech... He also has a long-standing interest in the relationship between science and religion and views psychical research as forming a bridge between them. He is President of the Scientific and Medical Network and a former President of the Society for Psychical Research.
Alister McGrath – Natural Philosophy
Event recording Event description This lecture explores the emergence, flourishing, and eventual decline of the movement known as "natural
Making sense of the sacred – Alex Gomez-Marin
The clash between science and religion has generated more heat than light, and yet our search for meaning in life is relentless, and a sense of the sacred remains a universal part of the human experience.
Postmaterialism, Anyone? – Brian Martin
Conventional scientific theories can’t explain telepathy and precognition. Nor can they provide a convincing explanation for consciousness. The usual scientific assumption is that the material world is all there is. To explain anomalous evidence, should this assumption be superseded by a model in which consciousness is independent of matter?
Joan Walton – Idea Cast Interview
An interview with Joan Walton integrating lots of different ideas, including evolution of consciousness, ways of integrating theory and experience, and more!
Imaginal Inspirations with Aaron Kheriaty
AARON KHERIATY, MD is a psychiatrist, and the director of the program in Bioethics and American Democracy at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, DC, and the director of the Health and Human Flourishing program at the Zephyr Institute in Palo Alto, California.
Julian Carlyon – One Earth, Three Worlds
Event recording Event description I will have a conversation with Julian about his book One Earth: Three Worlds, ambitiously
Iain McGilchrist – Rediscovering Wisdom in a World Gone Mad
In this conversation, Iain and Helena employ a big-picture lens to critique artificial intelligence, corporate globalization, and the profit-orientation of science and academia. They ask some hard questions about how things might change – through collapse, through movement-building, through grassroots action, or through a combination of these? And they also articulate insights into who we are as human beings, what constitutes genuine intelligence, and what a fulfilling life really entails.
Imaginal Inspirations with Lotte Valentin
Dr. Lotte has had two Near-Death out-of-body experiences which resulted in her becoming clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient and activating her life path. She was then guided to attend medical school as well as become an author and evidential medium. Dr. Lotte completed her medical school pre-requisites and was accepted into medical school at the age of 54!
AK Mukhopadhyay – The Source and the Genesis: In the Language of Science
We are heading towards a new science of information, the science of life, multiversal immersive neuroscience, depth psychology, deep ecology, life-primed physics, and consciousness-primed biology with an entirely new Worldview that simultaneously accommodates the science, humanity, and the spirit.
Laszlo Zolnai – Spirituality & Economics
Event recording Event description Like most of the branches of modern science, modern economics is a materialist and reductionist
Avigail Abarbanel – Thoughts on Our Materialist (Pseudo) Science of Psychology
All revolutions (good or bad), are driven by a different way of thinking to some status quo. I believe that if we want to be well, we must ditch the materialist paradigm in all our sciences, and embrace the truth about ourselves. We cannot continue to pretend we are something we are not, and disregard what is important to us. We do not really know what we are, but we do know that we need to grow, and we need to feel that our life means something. We also know that these needs are real. If we do not open our mind to reality, we will continue to suffer, and possibly lead to our own extinction.
Philip Comella – A Mind is Always Present: Materialism’s Fatal Flaw
But a mind is always present, either out in the world organizing the dream, or in the mind of the theorist imagining how mindless stuff evolved into a world. One view takes mind out of the world and imagines how the world can create itself from nothing and then, on its own power, organize itself to the limit of mathematical order. The other approach put mind in the world and realizes that the world itself reflects the imagination — and power — of the mind. One view imagines the impossible occurred; the other view knows the impossible is occurring.
Imaginal Inspirations with Monica Gagliano
In collaboration with various disciplines across the Sciences and the Humanities, her research aims at expanding our perception of animals, plants and more generally Nature. In the process of learning how to do this, she has pioneered the brand-new research field of plant bioacoustics and extended the concept of cognition to plants, re-igniting the discourse on plant subjectivity, sentience and ethical standing.
AK Mukhopadhyay – Humanities and Spirit in Cell Science
Molecules, although, form the basis of behavior, the cell operates with non-observable human faculties such as information, mind, self, and ‘life’, and the operational attributes of consciousness such as will, cognition, and emotion/feelings. Hints to the solutions to several complex big issues that humanity has been facing such as violence, free will, dark energy, and the parallel universe, could be obtained from the intelligent behavior of a cell. The protoplasm of a cell, psychoplasm of the psyche, and ‘plasm’ of multiple universe(s) are brought into focus and suggested to operate in continuity.
Meaningful Coincidences: How and Why Synchronicity and Serendipity Happen
Join Tasha Simms as she speaks with Bernard Beitman, M.D., the first psychiatrist since Carl Jung to systematize the study of coincidences. A graduate of Yale Medical School, he did his psychiatric residency at Stanford University. The former chair of psychiatry of the University of Missouri-Columbia medical school for 17 years, he writes a blog for Psychology Today on coincidence and is the coauthor of the award-winning book Learning Psychotherapy. The founder of The Coincidence Project, he lives in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Unfolding Consciousness – Edi Bilimoria
Humanity has undoubtedly derived considerable material benefit from an age dominated by scientific technology, but it has largely ignored the Key, the esoteric and occult sciences, which reveals the spiritual origins and the true nature of the universe and of humanity. That Key discloses the means to restore humanity to human beings, and reveals, unequivocally, the unfolding and expression of the universal, world-pervading Element through all the Kingdoms of Nature—CONSCIOUSNESS.
ICLOBY Foundation
ICLOBY Foundation, (international awareness lobby), is a non-profit entity born as a result of the ECM of its founder, made up of
Worldwide Indigenous Science Network (WISN)
The Worldwide Indigenous Science Network (WISN) was founded in 1989 as a result of meetings between indigenous women, elders and Western scientists.
Universite Interdisciplinaire de Paris
L’Université Interdisciplinaire de Paris (UIP) a pour objectif de diffuser et confronter les savoirs, à partir de l’étude des paradigmes scientifiques contemporains