GC Summit VIII: The Great Upshift Book Launch
Event recording Event description 35 of the World’s Leading Thinkers
Imaginal Inspirations with Frédérique Apffel-Marglin
David Lorimer's guest today is Professor Frédérique Apffel-Marglin, who is Professor Emerita, Department of Anthropology at Smith College. She founded the Sachamama Center for Biocultural Regeneration in the Peruvian High Amazon in 2009 where she works with indigenous communities as well as several High Schools in the province, regenerating the most sustainable and climate reducing pre-Columbian anthropogenic soil known as Terra Preta do Indio (black earth of the Indians). Her more recent books are: Subversive Spiritualities: How Rituals Enact the World (2011); Sacred Soil: Biochar and the Regeneration of the Earth with Robert Tindall and David Shearer, (2017); Contemporary Voices from Anima Mundi edited with Stefano Varese, (2020). Her latest book is written with Randy Chung Gonzales who has worked in SCBR for decades: Initiated by the Spirits: Healing Ills of Modernity through Shamanism, Psychedelics and the Power of the Sacred (2022).
Harald Walach: In Praise of Death – A Philosophical Critique of Transhumanism
Event recording Event description A logical consequence of the transhumanist programme of improving humans beyond biologically evolved conditions is
11th International Conference Science and Scientist 2023 – 17 December 2023
MORE INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION In her 1983 Nobel lecture, Barbara McClintock challenged 21st-century science to “determine the extent of knowledge the
Quantum Panpsychism and the Light Bulb Metaphor – Emmanuel Ransford
This paper outlines an approach which casts new light on some unsolved issues surrounding mind and matter, like: What tells them apart? How do they communicate?... It argues, with a little help from quantum physics, that plain matter may be richer than what we are wont to believe. It assumes that consciousness is a nonmaterial content of the world and infers that the mind expands beyond the biological brain. It also suggests a new way to figure out what role the brain plays in conscious awareness, and it puts forward a fresh insight as regards the mind-body dialogue.
02 December – Debate: Does Consciousness Extend Beyond the Brain? with Rupert Sheldrake, Anil Seth and Tanya Luhrmann
At this year's Holberg Debate, Tanya Luhrmann, Anil Seth and Rupert Sheldrake will take on the deep scientific and philosophical mystery of consciousness. The debate will be chaired by David Malone.
Four Simple Questions – Dialogues between Consciousness Scientists and ‘1st person scientists’
A series of dialogues between scientists studying consciousness and those that might be called ‘1st person scientists’. People who have gone so deeply and objectively into the subjective experience of consciousness that they are liberated from the illusion of separation.
Imaginal Inspirations with Lisa Miller
David Lorimer's guest today is Dr Lisa Miller, the New York Times bestselling author of The Spiritual Child and her new book, The Awakened Brain. She is a professor in the Clinical Psychology Program at Teachers College, Columbia University where she founded the Spirituality Mind Body Institute, the first Ivy League graduate program and research institute in spirituality and psychology, and has held over a decade of joint appointments in the Department of Psychiatry at Columbia University Medical School.
Thomas Daffern: Can transpersonal history provide a scientific way of resolving wars?
Event recording Event description Thomas will explain his work as a philosopher and historian and educator working in peace
Rupert Sheldrake vs Michael Shermer – a Debate on Science – How The Light Gets In 2023
Rupert and well-known skeptic Michael Shermer explore the boundaries of human understanding and the nature of scientific knowledge. Shermer argues that while we can never be entirely certain about anything, the scientific method is the best tool we have for approximating truth. He emphasizes the importance of replication in scientific studies and is skeptical of claims that challenge established scientific theories without strong evidence. Sheldrake, on the other hand, believes that there are areas of human experience currently considered taboo in mainstream science that deserve investigation. He argues that the skepticism towards such phenomena is often rooted in a materialist worldview that limits the scope of scientific inquiry. Both agree on the importance of evidence but differ on what constitutes sufficient evidence to challenge existing paradigms.
Galileo At 400 – Expanding the Scope of Science with the Galileo Commission
A dialogue between David Lorimer, Marjorie Woollacott, Athena Potari, and Àlex Gómez-Marín
Romance to Exemplary Wedding. Conscious Humanity loves Humanized AI – A.K. Mukhopadhyay
Artificial device of intelligence, in spite of being an example of the wedding of a good science with good technology is in controversy because its modus operandi of industrialization and growth is not in consonance with a strong emerging Worldview that encompasses Science, Humanity and Spirit (consciousness). This paper shows technological directions how their wedding could be made not merely adorable but exemplary. Making an objective psychology, exploration of other information states beside signal, investigating the possibilities of harnessing dark energy, hybridization with biological materials and organelles, and use of emerging neutrino technology are five approaches discussed in the paper. The paper concludes with a long journey ahead.
Directional Scopaesthesia and Its Implications for Theories of Vision – Rupert Sheldrake
Here, we examine the natural history of the phenomenon based on a collection of 960 case histories collected over 25 years involving both humans and non-human animals. This collection includes more than 80 interviews with surveillance officers, detectives, martial arts teachers, celebrity photographers, wildlife photographers, and hunters who have extensive experience of watching people or non-human animals. In 466 (49%) of the cases, directional effects were explicit, in that the person or animal looked at responded by turning and looking directly back at the looker rather than searching at random for the source of attention. In 186 (19%) of the cases directional effects were implicit. In most of the other cases, directional effects were not mentioned, usually because they were general statements lacking detail. In online surveys, including a survey of a group of skeptics, the great majority of respondents said they had experienced directional scopaesthesia. We conclude that directionality is a normal feature of scopaesthesia in real-life situations and suggest that this finding supports the idea that minds are extended beyond brains and that this extension involves some kind of visual extramission.
Heart and Soul – My Journey beyond Death – BBC World Service Documentary
Following a dramatic train accident, David Ditchfield was dragged under a speeding train in Cambridgeshire and nearly lost his life. As he lay in hospital, just before being taken into surgery, he had an extraordinary spiritual experience characterised by overwhelming love, white light and spiritual beings The experience awakened a previously hidden talent for painting and music. Despite his vision of angelic beings and a white tunnel of light, he doesn’t view his life-changing spiritual awakening as a religious experience. He tells his remarkable story and meets the founder of Near Death Experience UK who too had a profound spiritual awakening while in a critical condition. Together, they share the astonishing changes they underwent and explore how their experiences relate to formal religion.
Frontier Journalists’ Network
The FJN is an international group of editorial professionals devoted to making it easier for journalists to get the resources they need to cover the mysteries of human experience, such as the nature of consciousness and the science of spirituality.
GC Summit VII: Synchronicity and the Nature of Time
Event recording Event description The Galileo Commission and the Academy
What You See When Your Brain Gets Out of the Way – Bruce Greyson
For almost half a century, professor Bruce Greyson has researched the interface between life and death. He was a materialistically trained doctor when he first came across near death experiences. He was intrigued, began researching them and thought he would soon come up with a simple physical explanation. The more cases he studied, the farther away from that he came. The research material has increased since the 1960s because of our enhanced capability to resuscitate people with cardiac arrest.
Imaginal Inspirations with Mona Sobhani
David Lorimer's guest today is Mona Sobhani, PhD who is a cognitive neuroscientist, author, and entrepreneur. A former research scientist at the University of Southern California, she holds a doctorate in neuroscience from the University of Southern California and completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Vanderbilt University with the MacArthur Foundation Law and Neuroscience Project.
Alexander Almeida, Humberto Coelho, Marianna Costa – The Science of Life after Death
Event recording Event description The talk will cover the recent book Science of Life After Death (Springer, 2022) which examines the
The Mystery of Memory: No “Life”, No Memory – A.K. Mukhopadhyay
The issue of memory is mysterious in terms of its acquisition, storage, recall and retrieval. Memory is inextricably intertwined with the phenomenon of subtlety of “life”. So, is the process of learning. This paper builds up a testable theory proposing where there is no life, there is no memory. In this sense, the memory in a lifeless Artificial Device (AI) is a misnomer. So is the term, “Machine Learning”. The mystery calls for investigations on what is “life”, and its link with the memory.
How an emergent cosmology of a nonlocally unified, meaningfully in-formed and holographically manifested Universe can underpin and frame the biological embodiment of quantum entanglement – Jude Currivan
Treating gravity as an emergent consequence of the in-formational and holographic structure of space- time and describing it as the consequence of the intropy associated with the positions in space-time of massive bodies, also points to the findings of the loss of phenotype identity in zero gravity and the role between gravity and cellular identity and the emergence of symbiogenesis.
Interviews with Innocence podcast – Raymond Moody & Paul Perry
In this latest episode, I engage in a fascinating conversation with Dr. Raymond Moody and Paul Perry regarding their recently published work titled "Proof of Life After Life: 7 Reasons to Believe There Is an Afterlife." Our conversation delves into their thorough investigation of this topic and the potential social implications of widespread scientific acknowledgment of the afterlife.
The Conversation: Consciousness: why a leading theory has been branded ‘pseudoscience’
The problem is that consciousness is not merely a scientific issue. The task of science is to explain publicly observable phenomena. But consciousness is not a publicly observable phenomenon: you can’t look inside someone’s brain and see their feelings and experiences. Of course, science theorises about unobservable phenomena, such as fundamental particles, but it only does this to explain what can be observed. In the unique case of consciousness, the phenomenon we are trying to explain is not publicly observable.
The Spiritual Warrior – Breaking the Spellbinding Grip of Artificial Intelligence – Sir Julian Rose
Beings who can inspire and lead. Beings who are completing their training to become spiritual warriors and who are working closely together in order to properly direct “the army of the new resistance” in its task of winning the battle to rid our planet of the demonic, anti life, human and non human entities that will stop at nothing to take possession of our souls.