

Consciousness In The Universe An Updated Review Of The “Orch Or” Theory – Hameroff, 2016

We proposed in the mid 1990’s that consciousness depends on biologically “orchestrated” coherent quantum processes in collections of microtubules within brain neurons, that these quantum processes correlate with, and regulate, neuronal synaptic and membrane activity, and that the continuous Schrödinger evolution of each such process terminates in accordance with the specific Diósi–Penrose (DP) scheme of “objective reduction” (“OR”) of the quantum state.

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Criticisms of Transpersonal Psychology and Beyond – Walsh, 2013

After nearly half a decade of transpersonal psychology, to be precise 43 years after the foundation of the Journal of Transpersonal Psychology that gave the nascent movement an academic and scholarly appearance, it seems about time to pause and ask: What has the movement of transpersonal psychology really achieved?

Categories: 2013, Book/Book Chapter, Harald Walach|Comments Off on Criticisms of Transpersonal Psychology and Beyond – Walsh, 2013

Cognitive Canvas – A.K. Mukhopadhyay, 2018

Cognition covers the processes from sensation and perception to generation of will and behavioral response by action. The focus of this article is on this cascading depth of cognition, in tune with the depth of nature. The idea has been developed with a metaphor of canvas having a base, fabrics and embroidery.

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Radical Provincialism in the Life Sciences – Chapter 2 from Crimes of Reason – Stephen Braude, 2014

However, my own assessment was that Sheldrake’s staunchest supporters and detractors were both wrong: Sheldrake’s view of formative causation was neither viable nor as radical as it seemed. But it wasn’t crazy either; in fact, Sheldrake’s proposal revealed considerable intelligence, insight, and originality. Nevertheless, it was seriously flawed, and to my surprise I found it to be flawed for the same reasons as the theories Sheldrake was concerned with rejecting.

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Memory without a Trace – Chapter 1 from Crimes of Reason – Stephen Braude, 2014

One of the most persistent conceptual errors in philosophy, psychology, and neurophysiology is the attempt to explain memory by means of memory traces (sometimes called “engrams”). The underlying problems are very deep and difficult to dispel, and as a result, trace theories are quite seductive.

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Beyond Belief: When Science Becomes A Religion (A response to Lane and Visser) – Taylor, 2018

In this essay, I will focus on three of the typical characteristics of belief systems. The first is that adherents to a religion or belief system accept tenuous assumptions and presuppositions as facts. The second is that adherents may not be consciously aware that they have adopted a belief system, and interpret the world through the prism of their beliefs without being consciously aware of any filtering or distorting.

Categories: 2018, Article, Steve Taylor|Comments Off on Beyond Belief: When Science Becomes A Religion (A response to Lane and Visser) – Taylor, 2018

Artificial Intelligence, Human Intelligence and Intelligence of Nature – A.K. Mukhopadhyay, 2017

There are several difficult questions in ambitious project of fusion between psychology and intelligent robotics. What human beings can do that an intelligent robot cannot? What intelligent robots can do but human beings cannot? Why are we not intelligent robots? Why it is so difficult to have intelligent robots with faculty of humanness?

Categories: 2017, A. K. Mukhopadyay, Article|Comments Off on Artificial Intelligence, Human Intelligence and Intelligence of Nature – A.K. Mukhopadhyay, 2017

Anesthetics Act in Quantum Channels in Brain Microtubules to Prevent Consciousness – Hameroff et al., 2015

Unfortunately, modern mainstream anesthesia, neuroscience and pharmacology offer no functional targets nor mechanisms of action for direct effects of anesthetics consciousness or memory. Yet anesthetic mechanisms still offer the best possible approach to understanding consciousness and memory encoding.

Categories: 2015, Article, Stuart Hameroff|Comments Off on Anesthetics Act in Quantum Channels in Brain Microtubules to Prevent Consciousness – Hameroff et al., 2015

A Reappraisal of Teresa of Avila’s Supposed Hysteria – Christopher Bache, 1985

This essay offers a reassessment of Teresa's severe seizures which were such a characteristic feature of her mysticism. The diagnosis of hysteria is no longer viable, at the very least given its abandonment by clinicians. An alternative analysis is developed by phenomenologically comparing Teresa's seizures to parallel experiences of subjects in LSD assisted psychotherapy.

Categories: 1985, Article, Christopher Bache|Comments Off on A Reappraisal of Teresa of Avila’s Supposed Hysteria – Christopher Bache, 1985

A Radical view of Information – A. K. Mukhopadhyay, 2008

If one browses through internet, using key phrase like ‘what is information’, one comes across numerous websites, which work with definition of information limited to message, signal, code, data, facts, text, instruction, lore, symbols, concept, construct, knowledge, wisdom etc. This paper takes the view that almost all of these are nothing but space time construct of information and the information itself is something else!

Categories: 2008, A. K. Mukhopadyay, Article, Authors|Comments Off on A Radical view of Information – A. K. Mukhopadhyay, 2008

A New INSCIght of INformational SCIence – Jude Currivan, 2018

Reverting to the primacy of mind and consciousness, as espoused by Planck and many other pioneering scientists, it is showing is that universal mind, articulated as digitised information and represented as dynamic and relational patterns and processes of semiotic information, literally in-forms the formation of our Universe.

Categories: 2018, Authors, Essay, Jude Currivan, Year|Comments Off on A New INSCIght of INformational SCIence – Jude Currivan, 2018

Mark Anthony: The Electromagnetic Soul & The Afterlife Frequency

Mark Anthony, JD Psychic Explorer developed the terms “electromagnetic soul” (EMS) and the “Collective Consciousness.” The EMS provides the scientific basis for the various forms of spiritual phenomena including mediumship, near-death, share-death, out of body experiences, deathbed visions and after death communication.

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