

Essentia Foundation

Do we really live in a fundamentally physical universe? Are we essentially material beings? Essentia Foundation is a new force in the

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Anthroposophic Medicine

Anthroposophic Medicine is an international, integrative medical movement celebrating nearly a century of caring for the whole human being, at the levels

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Animas Valley Institute

Mythologies from around the world tell of spiritual seekers whose arduous journeys into the underworld bestow boons to bring back for the

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Alef Trust

Alef Trust is a not-for-profit community-interest organization offering online transformational Graduate Programmes and Open Learning Courses for academic, professional and personal development.

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Philip Comella – Science is Not the Quest to Prove Materialism True

This is practicing science, it is not engaging in some sort of new-age spiritual flight of fancy. Rather, it is material scientists who are engaged in something other than science, since they are the ones who ignore not only the results of the double-slit experiment, but untold number of other signs all pointing to the overwhelming order and design of our world.

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Federico Faggin – Science is Ready for Consciousness

In this fascinating interview Federico Faggin, designer of the first commercial microprocessor and pioneer in the movement to base mathematical theory on consciousness, urges science to embrace consciousness to explain the weirdness of quantum physics, and use it as the instrument of scientific investigation. "There need no longer be a duality between mind and matter," he says. "With consciousness you can reach reality from the inside." He makes a startling suggestion - that matter is the ink with which consciousness writes its own self-knowing.

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Athena Potari – Know Thyself: Hellenic Philosophy as a Path to Awakening and Happiness

Although for many centuries now, ‘philosophy’ has been understood and practised as a rational, argumentative, armchair vocation, involving mainly discursive reasoning, in this talk Athena will explore how Hellenic Philosophy is essentially a spiritual tradition: an intimate, self-transformative, experiential path of self-enquiry, which combines the education of both heart and mind with the purpose of awakening to one’s true Self. She will discuss some of the psychological and spiritual tools employed by ancient philosophers, as well as their non-dual teachings. Finally, Athena will discuss the relevance of Hellenic Philosophy for our times in our contemporary quest for Knowing Ourselves.

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Alan Sanderson – Psychiatry and the Spirit World

Must we remain so materialist to be happy? Would we value objects and status so much if we were certain consciousness continues in a different, spiritual realm? Organized religion was the main provider of such answers. Now that we have lost our faith, many still wonder if this is indeed, our only chance to live. Sanderson argues that there is no end. He finds intriguing threads connecting all the stories he compiles, suggesting common attributes to near-death experiences, reincarnation claims and reported medium cases, suggesting through the scientific method that they are plausible.

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James Tunney – Rule of an Automaticity Loop

James Tunney, LLM, is an Irish barrister who has lectured on legal matters throughout the world. He is a poet, artist, scholar, and author. His most recent book is Plantation of the Automatons. This interview focuses on the many controlling loops in which we are embedded.

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The Source and the Genesis: In the Language of Science – A.K. Mukhopadhyay

We are heading towards a new science of information, the science of life, multiversal immersive neuroscience, depth psychology, deep ecology, life-primed physics, and consciousness-primed biology with an entirely new Worldview that simultaneously accommodates the science, humanity, and the spirit. 

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11-month Online Programme from Alef Trust: Nurturing the Fields of Change

Are you interested in the evolving principles and practices of holistic change facilitation? Do you value the exploration of inner psycho-spiritual development in service of systemic and social change? Alef Trust is launching an 11-month online programme and emerging community of practice for anyone who is interested in creating a more just, equitable and sustainable world. The programme - Nurturing the Fields of Change - aims to support change-makers to catalyse change through the power of community and co-learning.

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Marjorie Woollacott and Ben Williams – Lessons from the Nondual Philosophy of Shaivism and Neuroscience

In this webinar Drs. Ben Williams and Marjorie Woollacott explore parallels between theories about the origins of cognitive processes that filter out a broader perceptual awareness in both modern neuroscience and in a medieval Sanskrit text on non-dual philosophy, the Īśvarapratyabhijñākārikā (‘Stanzas on the Recognition of Śiva’).

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When a True Scientist has a Spiritual Experience – Interview with Federico Faggin

The interview brings an overview of Faggin's trajectory "From Computers to Consciousness". He recounts his "mystical" experience and the conversation develops to discussions on the limitations of science, research of the out-of-body experience phenomenon, and the basis for a new science for consciousness.

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