Consciousness Education Project
Joan, Laurel and Marjorie are educational researchers seeking to bring postmaterialist perspectives of consciousness into education at all levels, from early years, through primary, secondary, higher education, and beyond. They are inviting interested people to join us in the evolution of consciousness education. They define consciousness education as “education about perspectives on the source and nature of consciousness and their implications for ways of being, knowing, teaching, and learning.” The inclusion of the word ‘perspectives’ is significant, as it allows to be open to alternative ways of understanding consciousness, encouraging constructive dialogue about the diverse meanings consciousness has in different contexts.

Laurel Waterman

Joan Walton

Marjorie Woollacott
In early 2024, Joan, Laurel and Marjorie held 3 sessions that instigated the project and aimed at developing a Consciousness Education Network.
Join the project
Working groups
We have a number of working groups, centered around specific interests, that you can join.
A Call for a Renaissance of the Spirit in the Humanities

includes only people who opted-in to share their information
Become a Signatory
NB: In all cases, we do NOT share emails publicly.