Toward a postmaterialist psychology: Theory, research, and applications
In this article, we review two categories of empirical evidence that support a shift toward a postmaterialist psychology. We argue that the transmission hypothesis of the mind-brain relationship can account for all the evidence presented in this article. We also discuss the emerging postmaterialist paradigm and its potential implications for the evolution of psychology.
Communication of the “Objective Reality” as Signal to the Senses – Mukhopadhyay, 2019
Consciousness cannot be articulated. In the unconditional state it is inexpressible. However, this Transcendental Reality could be naturalized internally by the human brain, which has been evolutionarily primed to do this. On the other side, externally, this has been a spontaneous happening in nature.
I Think, Therefore I’m Wrong? Did Descartes make a mistake? – Larry Culliford, 2019
Science is wonderful, but the worldview it offers is incomplete and too impersonal, but not everybody sees that... Not yet anyway... Spread the word!
The Metaphysical Foundations of Buddhism and Modern Science – Kohl, 2016
Key term: ‘Emptiness’. The Indian philosopher Nagarjuna ( 2nd century Current Era) is known in the history of Buddhism mainly by his keyword ‘sunyata’.
Complexity, Interdependence & Objectification – Basios, 2012
During the last twenty years or so, the investigation of fundamental aspects of complex systems in connection with the observer's participatory role in determining their understanding brings forth a novel perspective in science.
The Participatory Turn in Spirituality, Mysticism, and Religious Studies – Ferrer & Sherman, 2008
Do we really need another 'turn' in academia and the study of religion? After all, it seems that when one or another turn has been proposed - whether linguistic, interpretive, narrative, pragmatic, or postcolonial - scholars often presented it as a kind of epistemic rupture with the past, a revolutionary paradigmatic shift that would drastically change the way the phenomena studied in their disciplines are to be approached.
The Understanding and Treatment of Mental Health – Tobert, 2018
My proposition: some people who tap into a non-local realm of consciousness spontaneously have NDE, OBE, ELE experiences (religious experiences; near-death, out-of-body, and end of life experiences) may not have a framework for understanding. People who cannot control their experiences and have distress may attract psychiatric attention.
The Voice of Experience – Hague, 2018
This essay is my contribution as an adviser to the Galileo Commission, which is seeking to promote a spiritually informed science, beyond a materialistic worldview. It outlines how I have applied Self-reflective Intelligence and the semantic modelling methods of information systems architects in business to solve the ultimate justification problem, called Letztbegründungsproblem in German.
An Extended Scientist Look at Esoteric Knowledge – Chris Thomson
Esoteric knowledge has been saying these things for a very long time.
– Erwin Schrödinger
– Prof David Bohm
– Albert Einstein
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