Zero-Point Energy State of the Brain – AK Mukhopadhyay, 2019
The Galileo Commission for expanding the scope of Science ( launched in 2018 has taken up this issue seriously. At this specific Galileo Moment, the author who happened to be a member of the Advisory Board of this Commission, has chosen zero-point energy state of the brain as an important central issue for this purpose which might initiate multidisciplinary research to push the envelope of science farther.
Neural Correlates of Induced Light Experience – Fenwick et al., 2019
Altogether, our results provide first neuroscientific evidence underlying the phenomenological experience of induced light.
Encountering Complexity – In Need for a Self-Reflecting (Pre)Epistemology – Basios, 2005
We have recently started to understand that fundamental aspects of complex systems such as emergence, the measurement problem, inherent uncertainty, complex causality in connection with unpredictable determinism, time-irreversibility and nonlocality all highlight the observer’s participatory role in determining their workings.
The Collective Dynamics of Contemplative Practice – Bache, 2011
If my students could share one message with teachers of contemplative studies, I think it would be this. If you are an educator who is doing a form of spiritual practice that has the capacity to activate deep levels of the unconscious, especially at the level of the collective psyche, you can expect to stimulate sympathetic resonances with at least some of your students.
The Quantum Origin of the Life: How the Brain Evolved to Feel Good – Hameroff, 2017
According to Darwin’s theory of evolution, adaptations through random mutations serve an organism’s genes, the fittest genes surviving through reproductive success. However, Darwin’s theory renders consciousness epiphenomenal and illusory, leaves apparent gaps in evolution, and has been questioned as its sole guiding force.
Transpersonal Psychology, Science and The Supernatural – Ferrer, 2017
This article critically discusses the scientific status of transpersonal psychology and its relation to so-called supernatural claims. In particular, analysis focuses on Friedman’s proposed division of labor between a ‘‘scientific’’ transpersonal psychology and ‘‘nonscientific’’ transpersonal studies.
A New INSCIght of INformational SCIence – Jude Currivan, 2018
Reverting to the primacy of mind and consciousness, as espoused by Planck and many other pioneering scientists, it is showing is that universal mind, articulated as digitised information and represented as dynamic and relational patterns and processes of semiotic information, literally in-forms the formation of our Universe.
– Erwin Schrödinger
– Prof David Bohm
– Albert Einstein
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