The Science of Spiritual Psychology – AK Mukhopadhyay, 2017
Spiritual psychology begins when the psyche of the individual takes a journey on faith, devotion and love towards some abstract existence of ‘That’, which is not observable, not localizable in space and time, not measurable and non-reducible.
Intelligence in perspectives of the Systems Psyche: Natural, Human and Artificial – AK Mukhopadhyay, 2017
Lessons for devising open-ended AI device could also be learnt from how the message in neural signals could reach the domain of consciousness by climbing up, and how the ‘will’ of consciousness is translated as neural signal by climbing down the ladder of cognition within the systems psyche.
Neural Fabrics of the Mind – AK Mukhopadhyay, 2015
What we see as mental disorders, have deep roots in cell signaling and in failure of handling of information by operations of mind, self and ‘life’. The purpose of this review is to take lead from the renaissance in emerging knowledge in glia-neuron relationship for developing the molecular foundation of a systems neuroscience, which is inclusive of cognition and consciousness and excludes nothing from the behavior.
Yoga, Physics and Consciousness – Ravindra, 2004
In spite of our wish to reconcile science and spiritual insight, we are very far from even having clear questions to raise about the two approaches to reality. We wish these disciplines to be reconciled because they both appear to us to be significant and profound manifestations of the human psyche, and we imagine that somehow in modern times we have found a reconciliation.
Consciousness In The Universe An Updated Review Of The “Orch Or” Theory – Hameroff, 2016
We proposed in the mid 1990’s that consciousness depends on biologically “orchestrated” coherent quantum processes in collections of microtubules within brain neurons, that these quantum processes correlate with, and regulate, neuronal synaptic and membrane activity, and that the continuous Schrödinger evolution of each such process terminates in accordance with the specific Diósi–Penrose (DP) scheme of “objective reduction” (“OR”) of the quantum state.
Criticisms of Transpersonal Psychology and Beyond – Walsh, 2013
After nearly half a decade of transpersonal psychology, to be precise 43 years after the foundation of the Journal of Transpersonal Psychology that gave the nascent movement an academic and scholarly appearance, it seems about time to pause and ask: What has the movement of transpersonal psychology really achieved?
– Erwin Schrödinger
– Prof David Bohm
– Albert Einstein
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