On Some Essential Requirements for a Fruitful Consciousness Research – AK Mukhopadhyay, 2014
By weaving several novel ideas in series, in parallel and at multiple levels overarching several disciplines, a distinct roadmap has been drawn for a dispassionate consciousness research. Several workable propositions in the paper, interdisciplinary in its true sense, might lead to opening of multiple new doors of science.
Parapsychological Phenomena as Examples of Generalized Nonlocal Correlations – Walach et al., 2014
We will analyze the standard paradigms of PSI-research along those lines and describe how they can be reconceptualized as instances of such generalized nonlocal correlations. A direct consequence of this conceptual framework is that misrepresentations of these phenomena as local causes, as is done in direct experimentation, is bound to fail long-term. Strategies to escape this problem are discussed.
Personal Identity and Postmortem Survival – Braude, 2005
As many have noted, what is often called the "problem" of personal identity can be understood either as a metaphysical issue or as an epistemological (and somewhat more practical) issue. Metaphysicians typically want to know what it is for one individual to be the same person as another.
– Erwin Schrödinger
– Prof David Bohm
– Albert Einstein
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