The Unbearable Fear of Psi: On Scientific Suppression in the 21st Century – Etzel Cardeña
This paper describes various examples of blatant attempts to suppress and censor parapsychology research and those who are doing it. The examples include raising false accusations, barring access to journals, suppressing papers and data, and ostracizing and persecuting scientists interested in the topic. The intensity of fear and vituperation caused by parapsychology research is disproportionate even to the possibility that the psi hypothesis could be completely wrong, so I speculate on the psychological reasons that may give rise to it.
Life-Form A Matters-Syncytium: DeepScience for Matter Correlates of Conscious States – Mukho, A.K.
The perspective developed in this paper calls for a DeepScience to show how the essence of the material science is interconnected with the essence of the Multiversity along the sub-quantum and sub-subquantum recess of nature involving presently non-observable several exotic states of matter, dark matter, neutrinos, operations of informationstates, operations of cognitive faculty such as mind, self, life-principle and consciousness. Investigation of this interdisciplinary terrain has translational value for next three century’s science.
Emergence of Homo spiritualis: Of Essential Requirements – Faith, Devotion and Love – Mukho, A.K.
On the landscape of human possibilities, consciousness-rooted futurologists predicts emergence of Homo spiritualis from the present Homo sapiens. On this passage, to tide over different grades of uncertainties cultivation of Faith, Devotion and Love is felt essential. The deep science in psychology, biology and neurology has been discussed while cultivating such qualities in life. The beneficial spin offs from such perspective are new ideas and several research questions addressing of which might help to extend the vertical depth and horizon of science.
The Metaphysics of Technology
However, he reminds readers that we cannot in fact escape metaphysics. As far back as 1973, Henryk was writing that ‘technology is a historical phenomenon born of a certain idea of nature, of a certain idea of progress…. and also related to specific social ideals and specific ends of human life. By these facts alone, it is laden with elements of traditional metaphysics.’
The Map of Heaven
This book takes the story to the next phase, incorporating as it does a great many profound letters that he has received from readers. These all point to a larger and deeper reality within which we are embedded, and of which the physical world is an aspect rather than the whole. The book is structured around seven gifts derived from his experience: knowledge, meaning, vision, strength, belonging, joy and hope.
The Man Who Could Fly
This is the subject of Michael Grosso’s searching, beautifully written and challenging book. The repeated miracle in question is a seventeenth century Franciscan priest’s ability to levitate, not once or twice, but repeatedly over years, observed by hundreds of people, many of whom originally were sceptical.
Pauli’s Dream – Jung, Modern Physics and Alchemy – Steven Rosen
C. G. Jung devoted much of his life to exploring the dark borderland between psyche and matter. While engaged in that inquiry, he corresponded with physicist Wolfgang Pauli and was drawn to the phenomena of quantum mechanics. Just what is it about modern physics that invites intimate contact with the psyche? In examining this question, we see the broader need for setting physics and psychology on a new philosophical foundation consonant with the integrative worldview of alchemy studied by Jung.
Consciousness cannot have evolved – Bernardo Kastrup
Sounds crazy? The main thing to see is that the field of consciousness studies is in deep trouble and Kastrup’s is actually one of the more plausible suggestions.
The search for extraterrestrial life – Gerard Aartsen
But when we broaden our inquiry into the nature of extraterrestrial life by including additional methods of questioning, as we take into account science’s self-declared limitations, avantgarde scientific experiments that look beyond those limitations, the latest scientific insights, previously esoteric notions about the nature of matter, and eyewitness accounts from people the world over, a plausible window opens onto a world as yet unseen, but one that can well be explained and argued, even within the limits of our current understanding.
– Erwin Schrödinger
– Prof David Bohm
– Albert Einstein
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